Identify and Establish Documentation Standards
March 31, 2023BSBPEF501 – Manage Personal and Professional Development
March 31, 2023Questions
1. Identify one characteristic for each critical thinking concepts listed below. Briefly explain how each
characteristic is used in each concept.
Critical Thinking Concept Characteristic
Explanation on How Each
Characteristic is Used in Each
2. Briefly describe how each learning environment listed below may be used in an organisation.
Learning Environment Description
a. Classroom Learning
b. Distance Learning
3. Identify at least one team building activity that will promote the development of each critical thinking skill.
Briefly explain how each team building activity identified promotes each critical thinking skill.
Critical Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking Skills Team Building Activity for
Critical Thinking
Brief Explanation of How Each Activity
Promotes a Team’s Critical Thinking
4. Identify at least one team building activity that will promote the development of each creative thinking skill.
Briefly explain how each team building activity identified promotes each creative thinking skill.
Creative Thinking Skills
Creative Thinking Skills Team Building Activity for
Creative Thinking
Brief Explanation of How Each Activity
Promotes Each Creative Thinking Skill
5. Briefly explain an action that you can do in the workplace that will help an employee develop the critical
thinking skills listed below.
A. Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking Skill Brief Explanation of an Action in the Workplace That Will Help
Develop Each Critical Thinking Skill
a. Research
b. Avoid Assumptions
B. Creative Thinking
Creative Thinking Skill Brief Explanation of an Action in the Workplace That Will Help
Develop Each Creative Thinking Skill
a. Imagine Possibilities
b. Open-mindedness
6. Describe the 2 different models of the critical thinking which is used for in the workplace. (100-120 words)
7. What are the different approaches of a creative thinking? (50-75 words)
8. Describe 2 different models of the creative thinking. (100-120 words)
9. Identify two requirements for the different legislation below which are required to be taken into
consideration when performing the communication activities within the workplace.
Legislation Requirement
Privacy Act 1988
Equal Employment
Authorities) Act 1987
Work Health and Safety
Act 2011
10. Visit Bounce Fitness’ Market Research Procedure and answer the following question:
Market Research Procedure
a. Identify one source that can provide additional information related to the procedure.
b. Record the source of your information.
c. Answer the questions that follow to assess the reliability of your source.
11. Identify the three communication processes in an organisation or the industry you have chosen. Briefly
explain the procedures for each identified process for the workplace.
This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements.
Student Instructions:
1. You must complete the full project and provide enough information to demonstrate sufficient
understanding of what has been asked to achieve competency
2. Your work on this assessment should be on a separate document using word processing software such
as MSWord & or other software (handwritten submissions are only acceptable with prior approval from
your Trainer)
3. Your document should be properly formatted and titled with the Unit Code and Assessment number (e.g.,
BSBCRT511 Assessment 2).
4. Ask your trainer/assessor if you do not understand what is required in this assessment. Whist your
trainer/assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she will be able to offer you guidance in the requirements
of the task or provide further assistance based on the Institute’s “Reasonable Adjustment Policy”
5. The document you produce should primarily be your own words and not plagiarised, nor copied
6. Material taken directly from other sources must be presented in quotation marks (““) and be suitably
Students are required to undertake the following tasks:
Part A: Identification of the models of Creative and Critical Thinking
Part B: Identifying the Knowledge Gaps
Part C: Creation of Learning Plans
Part D: Analysing the Business’ Systems
Part A: Identification of the models of Creative and Critical Thinking
You are the centre manager for Bounce Fitness Cairns.
There are two teams of fitness trainers that directly report to you, Team A and Team B, with two members in
each team. As the centre manager, you oversee overseeing this branch’s performance, including the
performance of all its employees.
Fitness trainers of Team A handle one-on-one classes with their clients. The special feature of these classes
is that each training plan is catered specifically to each client’s needs and capabilities. These trainers oversee
creating training plans that are appropriate for each of their clients. They also keep track of their clients’ fitness
records which helps them adjust training plans depending on their clients’ progress.
Fitness trainers of Team B handle the different fitness classes that Bounce Fitness. Each class has an
attendance of 10 to 25 clients. As part of handling group classes, Team B fitness trainers must be
knowledgeable on proper exercise and nutrition should their clients ask them for advice.
To help improve your employees’ performance, you decide to see how well members of each team know their
tasks. Based on your findings, you intend to organise learning opportunities to help the fitness trainers perform
1. Conduct research on information about critical and creative thinking. Record your responses in the
Critical and Creative Thinking Research Form provided within this assessment. (Appendix A)
a. Models
▪ Identify two models:
o At least one model of critical thinking
o At least one model of creative thinking
▪ Define critical or creative thinking according to the model
▪ Briefly explain how each approach can be applied to a workplace setting
b. Concepts
▪ Identify the following
o At least two critical thinking concepts
o At least two creative thinking concepts
▪ Define each concept identified
▪ Identify at least one characteristic of each concept identified
▪ Briefly explain how each approach can be applied to a workplace setting
c. Approaches
▪ Identify the following:
o At least two approaches used for critical thinking
o At least two approached used for creative thinking
▪ Define each approach identified
▪ Briefly explain how each approach can be applied to a workplace setting
Appendix A: Critical and Creative Thinking Research Form
I. Critical Thinking
A. Model
Name of Model:
Definition of Critical Thinking
According to the Model
Application of Model to
Workplace Setting:
B. Concepts
Concept Definition of
Concept Characteristic Application to
Workplace Setting
C. Approaches
Approach Definition Application to Workplace
II. Creative Thinking
A. Model
Name of Model:
Definition of Creative Thinking
According to the Model
Application of Model to
Workplace Setting:
B. Concepts
Concept Meaning of
Characteristic Application to
Workplace Setting
C. Approaches
Approach Definition Application to Workplace
Part B: Identifying the Knowledge Gaps:
1. Access and review the document from the link below:
Fitness Trainer Tasks Guidelines:
Each team has a corresponding task with guidelines found in the following sections of the document:
a. Team A’s task is based on Developing a Personal Fitness Plan section
b. Team B’s task is based on Giving Advice on Proper Nutrition section
2. Locate the Questions Log template provided (Appendix B). Use the Questions Log to
develop questions that will assist in identifying the knowledge gaps of each team in line with their corresponding tasks.
Questions to be developed for each team must be based on their corresponding tasks outlined in the Fitness Trainer Tasks Guidelines.
3. Complete two Questions Logs – one for each team that you will work with. For each
Questions Log:
a. Develop at least one set of questions for each team to answer as a group.
▪ Write at least five to seven questions about the team’s task.
▪ Write the benchmark answer next to each question created.
▪ Write these under the Questions for the Team section of the Questions
Appendix B: Question Log
Questions for the Team
Question Benchmark Answer
Part C: Creation of Learning Plans:
1. You are required to prepare a specific learning plan where you must. Follow the template provided for the Learning Plan: (Appendix C):
a. Review the team’s responses from the completed Questions Log from Part B.
Based on the results of each discussion from Part B, identify the following for each section of the Learning Plan:
o At least one knowledge gap that can be addressed by a formal learning opportunity
o At least one knowledge gap that can be addressed by an informal learning opportunity
o Identify the specific learning opportunities you intend to facilitate for each team to address each identified knowledge gap. Ensure that there is:
• At least one formal learning opportunity
• At least one informal learning opportunity
o Select a date when you plan to facilitate the learning opportunity.
o Identify your expected learning outcomes after each learning opportunity has been facilitated.
Appendix C: Learning Plan
Type of Learning
Part D: Analysing Organisational Systems:
You’ve reviewed that the task of each team allows them to practice their critical and creative thinking
skills. You want to ensure that these skills are supported by the current systems Bounce Fitness has
in place. You are aware that most of Bounce Fitness’s systems have not been reviewed or updated
for a while now. You decide that this would be a good time to look over the systems and check for
necessary changes or updates to make to improve Bounce Fitness’s processes.
You choose two systems to review that would be applicable to both your teams:
The first system is the Performance Management System. Bounce Fitness’ performance
management system puts into place an annual review for all employees. The organisation uses a
forced ranking system for its employees. In this system, there is a set percentage that tells how many
employees can be classified for each group.
Each employee’s performance is reviewed against their key performance indicators (KPIs). These
KPI differ per employee, depending on their role and responsibilities.
The second system is the Customer Relations Management System. This system contains a process
to handle client complaints. Clients are encouraged to fill out a complaint form for documentation.
These forms are then forwarded to the concerned department to be resolved. If clients are becoming
emotional enough that they might be disrupting others, employees may offer the client with a $10.00
gift card to Bounce Fitness services as an apology for the inconvenience.
Bounce Fitness employees are also encouraged to recommend the product or service of the month
to their clients. This is to introduce them to new products and services that the clients might be
interested in.
1. Access and review the following documents from the links provided to complete this task:
▪ Business Objectives and KPIs:
▪ Performance Management System:
▪ Customer Relations Management System:
2. Locate the Organisational Systems Analysis Report. (Appendix D).
3. Complete the Organisational Systems Analysis Report (Appendix D). To complete the report, you must:
a. Identify at least one relevant business objective for each of the following Bounce Fitness Systems:
▪ Performance Management System
▪ Customer Relations Management System
b. Briefly explain the relevance of the identified business objectives to each Bounce
Fitness system.
c. Analyse the processes found within the Performance Management System and the Customer Relations Management System documents.
For each system, you must:
▪ Determine if there are steps in the processes for each system that encourages employees to practice critical or creative thinking
▪ Identify steps in processes that are in place that seem to hinder the practice of critical or creative thinking
▪ Determine if a process is lacking a step-in order for Bounce Fitness employees to fully practice critical or creative thinking.
d. Identify either gaps or barriers in each system based on your analyses of each system:
▪ If you identify barriers, identify at least two barriers for each system analysed:
o At least one barrier to critical thinking methods
o At least one barrier to creative thinking methods
▪ If you identify gaps, identify at least two gaps to critical thinking methods for each system analysed
e. Identify at least two resources used to implement each Bounce Fitness system
Appendix D:
Organisational Systems Analysis Report
Business Objectives
System Relevant Business Objective Relevance of Business Objective to the System
Performance Management System
Identify at least two barriers and at least two gaps:
Organizational Resources
Customer Relations Management System
Identify at least two barriers and at least two gaps:
Organizational Resources
This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements.
Student Instructions:
1. You must complete the full observation and provide enough information to demonstrate sufficient understanding of what has been asked to achieve competency
2. Your work on this assessment should be on a separate document using word processing software such as MSWord & or other software (handwritten submissions are only acceptable with prior approval from your Trainer)
3. Your document should be properly formatted and titled with the Unit Code and Assessment number (e.g., BSBCMM511 Assessment 3).
4. Ask your trainer/assessor if you do not understand what is required in this assessment. Whist your trainer/assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she will be able to offer you guidance in the requirements of the task or provide further assistance based on the Institute’s “Reasonable Adjustment Policy”
5. The document you produce should primarily be your own words and not plagiarised, nor copied
6. Material taken directly from other sources must be presented in quotation marks (“ “) and be suitably referenced
1. You are required to conduct the presentation meeting presenting your critical and creative models of thinking which you have chosen for the organisation.
2. Prepare the Meeting Minutes as part of the meeting which has the following headings:
a. Purpose of the meeting
b. The Attendees
c. The Agenda Items
3. During the meeting, you must:
a) Discuss the information to be communicated as included in the presentation material
b) Identify at least two areas of common ground regarding the different models of the critical and creative thinking in Bounce Fitness
c) Identify at least two areas of knowledge gaps or learning areas.
d) Include the formal and informal learning opportunities to address the gaps
e) Include the discussions on the different barriers and different gaps within the process of addressing these gaps
f) Encourage stakeholders to ask questions regarding the rebranding
g) Summarise the outcomes of the discussion
h) After the discussion, you must follow up with the stakeholders regarding any issues or concerns they have in the discussion. This will be done in the succeeding task.
4. This is an action item that would require you to follow up on further issues or concerns the stakeholders have but did not get to raise during the discussion.