FYA003-0 Contemporary Social Issues
April 10, 2022
Developing Integrated Health Sciences: NUR5023/24/25 Sample
April 10, 2022Developing Integrated Health Sciences.
Component: 3 Hour unseen examination [100% of Module Grade]:
Examination – 3hours: Patient / Client Centred Scenarios
The examination will be in 2 sections and the student will be required to answer 3 questions:
1 question from section A;
1 question from section B and;
A 3rd question of their choice from either Section A or B.
This examination will focus on disease process demonstrating knowledge of altered anatomy & physiology in Specific Field disciplines.
The chosen scenarios that will be used for the exam are:
- Myocardial Infarction (MI)
John is a 56-year-old male who has suffered two (2) Myocardial Infarctions. He has been successfully resuscitated on 2 occasions. An angiogram has indicated four (4) blocked coronary arteries, two (2) are almost totally occluded.
- Diabetes
Lauren is 65 years old and has been a diabetic for the last five years. Lauren enjoys walking in the park but is now finding it difficult to walk. On inspection, the nurse notices that the skin on Lauren’s feet is discolored and dry. The toenails also look gnarled and a different colour.
- Pneumonia
Elizabeth is an 80-year old woman, admitted to hospital due to hip fracture following a fall at home. She was due for surgery which was postponed following a spike in her temperature. She is now finding it difficult to breathe and she coughs up thick yellow-green phlegm. She has become increasingly unwell, sweating profusely and shivering. The doctors suspect that she has acquired pneumonia.
- Ulcerative Colitis
Anya is a 25-year old student who sought GP advice for her recurring diarrhea. Anya described her stool as containing blood and something that looks like pus. The episodes of diarrhea are becoming more frequent especially now that her university deadlines are fast approaching. Anya is now feeling tired. She has lost appetite and weigh loss is evident.
- Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)
Lucy is 69 years old, she got admitted to hospital with symptoms of sickness, numb face, slurred speech and feeling weak in her left arm. This is Lucy’s first hospital admission and following assessment, which included a CT scan, she is diagnosed with a cerebrovascular accident, usually known as stroke.
- Chronic Kidney Disease
Martin is a 75-year-old, he is taking furosemide now for 7 years due to his cardiac condition and on-going bilateral leg oedema. Despite all close monitoring with his GP, he has now been diagnosed with a stage 2 Chronic Kidney Disease.
For each scenario, you will be expected to answer the following questions:
- Describe the condition;
- Explain the anatomical and or physiological changes which may occur and;
- Give details of any medication and or therapeutic intervention which may be r
These scenario’s will be further divided into section A and B. Word count guidance is 750-1000 words per scenario