Postgraduate Assessment Guidance on Policies
July 21, 2022
M31MKT – Consumer Behaviour
July 22, 2022Assignment Questions
Students should select one of the following two essay questions. The word limit is 2,000 words, excluding the references listed at the end of the essay. The assignment accounts for 50% of the marks awarded for the module.
(1) Critically evaluate whether HRM practitioners should promote ethical HR practices that improve employee well-being as well as contributing to responsible business and the wider social good. Please use real world examples to support your answer.
(Please focus on reading the references listed in the module handbook for session 1, as well as your own independent wider reading)
(2) To what extent can it be claimed that HRM is Strategic? (Please focus on reading the references listed in the module handbook for
session 2, as well as your own independent wider reading)
Students are expected to reference work using academically appropriate resources (peer-reviewed journal articles and academic books), and can also refer to public documents like government and policy reports and quality newspapers (such as The Guardian, The Independent, Financial Times). In general, students should avoid website sources; e.g. Wikipedia is NOT considered an academically appropriate resource. Students are advised to follow the Harvard referencing style as explained on canvas.