September 16, 2022POG350 Development in Oil and Gas Retail Industries
September 17, 2022Task Description
Discuss the role of enterprise bargaining in the Australian system of employment relations. (20 marks)
Word Length: 1500-2000 words
Please note that information that is relevant to this essay will be posted on the course website.
Assignments will be returned upon completion of the marking and moderation process.
Weighting 20%
Assessment Criteria
A pass student will have referenced their paper poorly, and description will dominate. Better referencing and
some analysis will lead to a credit, while the distinction students will have referenced and analysed the question
well. They will be separated from the HD student because of their failure to argue a case in answer to the
question consistently throughout the course of their paper.
A detailed criteria sheet is available on the course Moodle website.
Referencing Style Harvard (author-date) or American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Online
Learning Outcomes Assessed
also answer some question in this report
What does this industrial dispute reveal about:
enterprise bargaining;
industrial disputation;
the role of government;
the role of the Fair Work Commission?
Please discuss these matters in your report and remember to answer the question that has been asked!
Please make use of the "Study help" & "report writing" material that is located in the top section of the website. I am not bothered by how you structure your report but you will need an introduction and a conclusion to advise the examiner of what you propose to do and what you have actually done. What you have to say about enterprise bargaining on the waterfront is what interests me.
Locating references from the Australian Financial Review is not always easy. I locate them through the Factiva
database in the Library. I use "more search options" to take me to the Library's databases and then I locate the "Factiva" database. For most references I use an abbreviated reference such as the title of the article and make sure that I select the correct date, author etc.
For the following article I used only the title of the article in the 'free text search', that is: Stevedores want $1000 to work Sundays.
Hannan, E 2016, ‘Stevedores want $1000 to work Sundays’, Australian Financial Review, 20 January, p. 8.
Please note however that I set the search for the last 6 months in the 'date' drop-down box.