Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
September 16, 2022
September 17, 2022Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment
- Demonstrate the ability to analyse the factors affecting the present size and structure of the current oil and gas retail sectors and the impact of the rising price of oil.
- Evaluate the potential of technological change on the energy retailing industry in the next decade.
Percentage of marks awarded for module:
The written report is worth 30%of the total marks for the module.
Assessment Explanatory comments on the Maximum marks
criteria assessment criteria for each section
Knowledge and Clear demonstration of rigorous 35%
Research research from recognised
(content, authoritative sources. Audience
relevance, and focus. Meeting the deliverables.
Writing and Rigorous use of the Harvard 10%
Presentation Methodology for citation and
(format, referencing; page numbering; correct
references or display of direct quotations.
and style)
Argument and Constructive critical analysis, 55%
Analysis (critical introduction, conclusion.
analysis, Demonstration of a clear
evaluation, and understanding of the issues. Use of
application) academic models. Full articulation
of ideas developed. Offering well-
argued solutions and/or alternatives if
and where appropriate.
Assignment Task
Critically discuss the implications of recent trends and changes within the supply chain of the UK petroleum retail market.