April 11, 2023
SG5013 – Business Management Internship Placement
April 12, 2023Assignment type Essay
Size or length of assessment 2000 words
Unit learning outcomes
On completion of this unit, you should be able to:
- Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
The process and context of inter-professional working and legislation and statutory guidance that informs inter-professional working - Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Critically analyze and evaluate legislation and policy that guides inter-professional working
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Through the duration of the unit you will be a part of a group of peers that will work together as a inter-professional team after which you will produce an individual 2000 word Essay where you discuss your chosen role within your inter-professional team, demonstrating knowledge of the role and how you contributed to the inter-professional team work in order to develop a plan of care in relation to the case study context. You will conclude the assignment by critically reflecting on yourself using a reflective model.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass the assignment you must:
- Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of your role within the context of the case study and critically evaluate the legislation or statutory guidance that informs your role, including that which emphasizes inter-professional working
- Conclude your essay by using a reflective model to reflect on your experience of being a part of a simulated inter-professional team, which must include experience of researching your role, what you learned about yourself and how you will use the experience to inform your future practice and learning
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
- Include a minimum of 12 references sources which should not consist of more that 2-3 online reputable sources
- Include in your reference, core and guided text to illustrate your knowledge, and discussion points
- Include reference to journal articles and other academic sources
- Ensure correct referencing using the Harvard System as required by the University
- Active participation in a group simulating an inter-professional team
- Use the assignment criteria and the grading grid below to help you to check that you are addressing all of the assessment criteria.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
- You will be a member of a group that will form a simulated inter-professional team where you will all work together collaboratively.
- You and your group members will select a case-study, and each identify and assume a professional role relevant to the case study
- Each week your lectures will cover a topic that is relevant to inter-professional working and each week in seminars you will be working in your group using the knowledge acquired from lectures and seminar activities.
- A range of media films will be made available to support your learning and to help you and your group develop a realistic care plan relevant to your chosen case study. Your contribution to the inter-professional team and care-plan must be evident.
- You will be encouraged to develop your research skills through independent and autonomous activities. This
involves researching your professional role, the tools you may use in that role, and developing your understanding of inter-professional working in health and social care. - You will develop your understanding of models of critical reflection and evaluation of self and be able to
demonstrate this in your assignment.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.