HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issue
August 10, 2017
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Assessment details
Assessment 1: Employment Application
This assessment is for these students only: Distance Education; Gold Coast; Melbourne – Hotel School; Sydney – Hotel School.
Format:There are three (3) components to this assessment:
- Professional Email – subject line must read: Your name, MNG03236 Application.
- Application Letter and Resume – single Word document saved as Your Name
- Addressing the selection criteria (sample response to one criterion).
- Email (1 paragraph)
- Application Letter (1 page) and Resume (2–3 pages)
- Selection criteria response (1–2 paragraphs)
Submit: via email to your lecturer (check the Assessment link on the MySCU site)
Guidelines to the employment application
This assessment item is an opportunity to customise this part of your study to suit your own individual needs, interests and career aspirations. You need to find an advertised position that you would be likely to apply for when seeking an internship or graduate position. (It should be relevant to your degree and realistic for your level of experience). Constructing your Employment/Internship Application is an exercise designed to develop your professional writing skills; essential elements of job seeking and business success. This assessment also tests your editing skills and ‘eye for detail’, and ensures that your application is error free and of the highest quality. This assessment item is designed to be used by you as an ongoing working document to assist you in securing an appropriate internship position or employment upon graduation.
- Professional email
- This should be grammatically correct, have no spelling errors or inappropriate abbreviations and contain a brief message explaining the purpose of the email and list the attached documents.
- You should also use the ‘signatures’ function on your email program to ensure that your name and contact details are always professionally presented and clearly shown on application emails. This will allow a potential employer to quickly contact you if they have difficulties opening the attachments.
NB: Although you will be emailing this assessment directly to your lecturer, you should address the email to the person and organisation that you are applying for a position with.
- Attachment 1 – Application letter and Résumé
Application letter
- This should be an application letter written in response to an advertised position. You should choose a position which will be similar to one that you wish to gain for your future internship or graduate position.
- The letter should be a maximum of one (1) page, typed, single-spaced, A4.
- The letter should follow correct business letter format as per the suggested letter template available on the online Study Guide.
- Use a section break (not page break) at the bottom of the page to ensure that your layout stays as it should when transferred across different computers. This will also assist you in setting up footers on your resume.
- Do not use a footer or page number at the bottom of your letter.
- Your application letter always comes before your resume.
- A resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is the standard and accepted way of setting out in an ordered and factual format, the key aspects of your professional background or working history.
- This should be part of the same Word document as your application letter and start on the page directly after your application letter.
- You must include a footer with your name and page number on pages two and three of your resume (i.e. not on the first page of your resume).
- You must include page breaks at the end of each page to preserve formatting and page layouts
- Your resume content should be appropriate for the type of position you are targeting.
- Your resume must include personal contact details, previous education, work history, skills, achievements, and contact details for three referees.
- Your resume should be no more than three (3) pages, typed, single-spaced.
- See guidelines for resume format contained in CV guides and templates on the online
Study Guide.
- Attachment 2 – Selection criterion response
This is a separate document headed, ‘Addressing the Selection Criteria’. For a real job of your choice that requires applicants to address the selection criteria as part of the application process (typically these are government roles). This job can be different from the one you are targeting in your application letter and resume.
You must identify a job that has a downloadable Selection Criteria document/information and select one selection criterion from this document that you will address. Use the wording of the selection criterion as a sub-heading and following the guidelines relating to selection criteria from Topic 2 (Understanding the application process), address a single selection criterion in 1–2 paragraphs.
See the MySCU site – Assessment Details link – for the marking criteria for this assessment and be sure to check your work against those criteria before submitting.
Assessment 2: Portfolio
This assessment is for these students only: Distance Education; Gold Coast; Melbourne – Hotel School; Sydney – Hotel School.
Format: There are two (2) components to this assessment:
Part A – Report (1500 words) and
Part B – Video (3 minute presentation).
Length: 1500 words + 3 minute video
Submit: Report and video submitted through the ‘submit assessment’ link on the MySCU site
Guidelines for your Career Portfolio
This assessment is designed to be used by you as an ongoing working portfolio to assist you in identifying your career goals and appropriate organisations you wish to pursue for internship or employment positions. Writing in first person (‘me’, ‘I’, ‘mine; etc.) is permitted however, you should remember that this is a university assessment and not a descriptive story. A minimum of five (5) well integrated academic references is required.
Part A – Report
The following may assist you to structure your portfolio:
Executive summary
Remember that an Executive Summary of a report is just that, a summary. It contains a statement of report purpose and an overview of the actual and specific findings. Generally, it should be no longer than one page and does not count towards the word limit of your report.
The Executive Summary can only be written after you have completed your report. Write in past tense (e.g. The purpose of this report was to …). If an Executive Summary is well written the reader should be able to understand the main points, findings, and conclusions of the actual report without having to read the full report. Be sure to check the Executive Summary
Quick Guide for tips http://scu.edu.au/teachinglearning/
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
Ensure that you write an introduction for this assignment. The Academic Skills Quick Guides will provide you with a reminder on what should be contained in an introduction.
2.0 My career
- describe how you visualise your perfect graduate position and broader career in 1–2 paragraphs. Critically evaluate how your descriptions compare and contrast with the literature covered in this unit relating to definitions of careers, career management and career success (Topic 1). Do not use dictionary or Wikipedia definitions in this discussion.
Instead, you should be evaluating the descriptions contained in academic writings such as your Readings.
- name the industry sector that you wish to pursue for your internship and/or graduate role and refer to Appendix A which will contain your database of potential employers.
3.0 Goal setting
- Setting goals (both short- and long-term) is important in career planning. Challenging, but realistic, goals can have powerful positive influence on career success. Identify a goal setting theory (model) or motivation theory and discuss how it may be useful to assist you in achieving your career goals.
- In this section summarise the five most important learning/career goals that you wish to achieve within the next 10 years. Refer to Appendix B which will contain detailed information about these five goals.
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 References
Appendices (A & B)
- Appendix A – Database of Potential Employers
Use appropriate headings numbered 1–5 ensuring each organisation is listed in order of preference (i.e. your most preferred organisation is number 1, your second choice employer is number 2 etc.). You may include your field trip organisation as one of the potential employers.
Use the following headings, to ensure all relevant information is provided and then include a short review
(1–2 paragraphs) of the career prospects available within each selected organisation:
- Company name
- Contact person
- Position title of contact person
- Postal address
- Phone number
- Website – [Copy the link to the page you are referring to here]
- Other links – [If there is a specific employment and or internship link copy this link
- Overview of [Insert organisation name here].
Include 1–2 paragraphs regarding:
◦ what each organisation is renowned for
◦ the types of career opportunities available in this organisation.
Appendix B – Learning/Career Goals
Detail your five (5) most important learning/career goals that you wish to achieve within the next 10 years using the template available on the MySCU site – Assessment link.
NB: The word count of appendices is not included in your overall assessment word count.
Part B – Video
This component of the assessment requires you to record yourself presenting an academic quality industry sector analysis. You will need to be succinct as the video should be no more than 5 minutes in length. Be sure to provide:
- a detailed description of the industry sector that you want to be working in after you complete your current degree;
- information on the career opportunities within this industry sector;
- information on the career challenges within this industry sector; and
- an evaluation of the most appealing aspects of this industry sector for YOU personally.
You must use information gained from discussions with industry insiders, academic journals and from your observations and general research but be sure to note the source of your information. For example, you might say: ‘Timeshare is a growing sector of the hotel industry.
According to an article published in Perspective Timeshare Magazine on 3 May, total revenues for this sector are up by 3% compared to the same time last year.’ Before going on to discuss in your own words what this means for the industry and your career.
You can also cite information that was shared with you on the field trip but again be sure to cite the source. E.g., ‘In a presentation on 12 July 2017 Mr. Brown, Vice President of A Very Good Hotel Group said key challenges for the sector included …‘
See the MySCU site – Assessment Details link – for the marking criteria of all assessments.
Assessment 3: Report
This assessment is for these students only: Distance Education; Gold Coast; Melbourne – Hotel School; Sydney – Hotel School.
Length: 2500 words
Format: Report
Submit: via Turnitin through the Assessment link of the MySCU site
The self-awareness report is designed to be a practical exercise with personal benefits – a reallife self-management strategy to assist you in obtaining a suitable employment position and developing your career. This report should demonstrate a solid self-awareness and discuss your career-related strengths and weaknesses.
You discussion should focus on the Organisational Behaviour (OB) factors discussed in this unit.
The following elements may assist you in structuring your self-awareness report:
Executive summary
Remember that an Executive Summary of a report is just that, a summary. It contains a statement of report purpose and an overview of the actual and specific findings. Generally, it should be no longer than one page and does not count towards the word limit of your report. The Executive Summary can only be written after you have completed your report. Write in past tense (e.g. The purpose of this report was to …). If an Executive Summary is well written the reader should be able to understand the main points, findings, and conclusions of the actual report without having to read the full report. Be sure to check the Executive Summary
Quick Guide for tips http://scu.edu.au/teachinglearning/
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
Ensure that you write an introduction for this assignment. The Academic Skills Quick Guides will provide you with a reminder on what should be contained in an introduction.
2.0 Self-awareness
- 2.1 Personality
◦ What insights have you obtained about your personality, for example from the Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator or the Big Five personality model? (Topics 3 and 4)
- 2.2 Values and Motivators
◦ What are your most important attitudes, values and motivators? (Topics 3 & 5)
- 2.3 Emotional intelligence
◦ What are your emotional intelligence abilities? (Topic 6)
- 2.4 Leadership
◦ What is your leadership aspiration and potential (or demonstrated ability)? (Topic 8)
- 2.5 Power and Politics
◦ What are your approaches to power, politics and influence? (Topic 9)
3.0 Decision making and planning
Refer to the literature on Problem Solving and Decision Making (Topic 7) and critically evaluate how an understanding of these theories can be of assistance to the decision-making and problem-solving processes you will be using when seeking your internship/graduate employment. You must compare and contrast at least two approaches/theories.
Your discussion should identify and elaborate upon factors that will be important in your internship/graduate position decision such as the geographic location, paid/unpaid nature, opportunity for training and development, opportunity for ongoing employment, and so forth.
4.0 Conclusion
Conclude and summarise the report.