SIM337 -Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Sample 1
March 17, 2022SIM 335 – Project Management Sample
March 17, 2022Background: The assignment is intended to bring out the benefits and limitations of different approaches to project planning and control by relating these to the circumstances in the case outlined. It is also intended to allow students to demonstrate their learning and competence in respect of the management of resources generally, but in particular elements of scope, schedule, quality, and cost.
Task 1
(40% marks) 700 words (+/- 10%) each short answer question requires a response in a few sentences for the questions awarded up to 4- 6 marks and a paragraph for questions awarded up to 8-10 marks.
1) What are the core principles/characteristics of any project and why are they important? (8 marks).
2) What would you have included in the scope statement for a project (6 marks.)
3) Using the information below, plot out a full project Gantt chart and identify the critical path? How many days does it take to complete the project? (6 marks).
4) What would you need to consider when developing a project budget (4 marks).
5) How would you develop a Risk Strategy for a project, what method would you use (6 marks).
6) What quality methods (project evaluation, monitoring and control) would you introduce to ensure a project is completed successfully (10 marks).
Tasks Precedence Time
A – 4 days
B – 6 days
C A 6 days
D B 2 days
E B 5 days
F C 8 days
Task 2: (60% marks)
Wroxham boat builders design and builds motor launches for the leisure industry. For years, the company enjoyed a stable marketplace, a small but loyal group of customers, and a relatively predictable business environment. Wroxham boat builders’ products were popular because they were reliable and required little major updating. The stability of its markets, coupled with the consistency of its product, allowed Wroxham to forecast annual demand accurately and to concentrate on internal efficiency building only for customer demand.
Then, with the removal of trade barriers and other Globalized international trade agreements Wroxham boat builders found itself competing with other boat builder suppliers headquartered in countries around the world. Wroxham had heard of ERP Systems and the potential that it gives the organizations to link up with other companies throughout the world. The prospect of such organizational efficiency and turning the company’s information system into a ‘smooth running machine’ was attractive even though the investment would be great but at least it would allow Wroxham boat builders to achieve customer delivery ‘on time’ without holding excess inventory of parts.
The conversion has an investment of £750,000 pounds and is scheduled to take eight weeks to install and must not delay any of the work ongoing to complete existing orders for customers.
As Project Manager responsible for the installation and start up of the new ERP system, you are required to prepare a report (2,300 words +/- 10%). From a project management perspective outline the activities required to successfully manage this new initiative, ensuring that it is on time, and within budget.
The analysis should include the skills and competencies required by the Project Manager, along with the project management process. Use examples of the concerns, Project Life Cycle stages, processes, leadership, and administration and control problems associated with managing the lifecycle of this major project.
Assignment presentation and assessment
The answers to both tasks are independent and should be addressed separately.
Task 1 answers to six questions – (700 words +/- 10%) – completed as an individual task
Task 2 a report that is produced for task two (2300 words +/- 10%) – completed as an individual task
For your convenience, both tasks should be submitted as one document, which contains both individual tasks.
The criteria for assessing the task two report will be: Report presentation (20%) (12 marks)
The extent to which the assignment represents an effective report. This will be judged on:
Appearance: Is a word count included at the end of the report? Is it within the specified amount? Is the text double spaced?
Structure: Does the report follow the conventions of the format? Does it have a clear introduction, explaining how it answers the questions? Do the sections of the report develop ideas in a logical sequence? Are diagrams or other subsidiary information shown in appendices?
Spelling and grammar: Are all words spelt correctly and is the meaning of sentences clear?
Referencing: Have appropriate references been included in the report. Has a recognised referencing system been used for notation? (see the relevant section in the Guide to Basic Study Skills)
Use of relevant theory (40%) (24 marks)
Has the right theoretical content been chosen as the basis for answering the questions? Is there evidence of the use of course notes and books? Is the theory that is selected significant to the questions?