ASS114-2 Inter-Professional Working in Health and Social Care
December 12, 2021
MBA602 Small Business Administration
December 12, 2021Reflective Log
Reflective logs provide you with an opportunity effectively analyse your own performance and ability to apply your theoretical knowledge. A reflective log is essentially a diary but detailing your experiences and emotions in relation to your learning experiences. These can however be presented in different ways and for this piece of work you need not include the actual dates but you should include events/experiences. You will not be able to include all of the reflection that you were asked to record throughout the module. You should however select key events/experiences to discuss and an appropriate framework for reflection, such as Gibb’s Reflective Cycle, to aid your examination of these events. This will enable you to deliver your reflection in a concise yet critical and analytical manner.
It is appropriate to support your reflection with reference to academic resources and lecture materials.
You should include brief descriptions of events that occurred throughout the module covering both the groupwork and the individual work. You should also discuss your feelings in relation to this as self-analysis is an important part of development. It is helpful to include any evidence in your reflection. Any challenges or areas of difficulty are also important to include in your work.
The purpose of this assessment is to require you to reflect on your learning in the Capstone Project module (SOE11149). Your reflection should cover both the group and individual stages of the module. The former will enable you to meet Learning Objective 1 for the module:
– The ability to critically reflect on your team’s skills strengths and development, plan and manage your team’s learning and professional development through use of a CPD system.
Reflection on your individual work will enable you to consider your preparation for, and completion of, the individual assessment (taking on board constructive criticism in feedback is particularly important).