How do different research paradigms influence the way research is undertaken?
May 28, 2022MA619 – Accounting Research
June 1, 2022Weight: 50%
Word Count: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
In this task, students are required to write an analytical report that outlines the factors that influence how nursing
students transition from a beginner to becoming a professional nurse on the given topic:
# Competency in planning and organising shift workload (i.e., time management; managing fatigue; dealing with
complex care needs);
The assessment is designed to assess students’ understanding of contemporary transitional factors as they apply to
nursing, and demonstrate the ability of students to find and review literature, produce clear academic writing, and
show skills in critical analysis.
In the report, students MUST address the following points related to their allocated contemporary transitional
factor. In doing so, they should use evidence from current scholarly literature, i.e., less than seven (7) years old, and
include the relevant Registered Nurse standards for practice, Code of conduct for nurses, and/or Code of ethics for
• ABSTRACT (approx. 200 words): The abstract is a concise summary of the essential elements of the report,
from the introduction through to, and including, the recommendations.
• INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND (approx. 200 words): Describe the contemporary transitional factor you will
be addressing using evidence from the literature. State its importance or relevance to the field of nursing.
Outline the aim of your report in a single sentence that is clear and concise.
• FINDINGS (approx. 500 words): Outline what you have discovered from reviewing the literature on your
allocated topic. For example, outline different ways in which graduate nurses currently prioritise and cope
with unexpected events, and the importance of this. These should be statements of current facts obtained
from the literature, e.g., ‘Recent literature indicates that nurses prioritise and cope with unexpected events
in three main ways: first… second… etc (Smith, 2021)’. (NB: Make sure you provide citations for information
drawn from the literature and paraphrase, do not quote this information.)
Leave your evaluation, and comparison and contrast of these findings to the Analysis section.
• ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION (approx. 700 words): This section is where you compare and contrast findings from
the literature on your chosen transitional factor and discuss the implications of the findings.
o Discuss and analyse two (2) reasons why the contemporary transitional factor is faced by new
graduate nurses.
o Include in your response the impact this factor has on the ability to adhere to the nursing
codes/Standards and delivery of safe, high quality patient care.
o Use evidence from the literature in your response.
• CONCLUSION (approx. 200wds): The conclusion should be a brief summary of the main points of the findings
and analysis sections. Include in this which one of the Nursing Standards is being met in your report and
outline clearly how it is being met (there may be many, but you will need to prioritise and select only the
most relevant Standard).
• RECOMMENDATIONS (approx. 200wds): Using the evidence provided in the Findings section, describe two
(2) concrete and actionable recommendations:
One (1) recommendation should explicitly describe appropriate self-care techniques that new graduates
can use to overcome/address the transitional factor under consideration in the report;
One (1) recommendation should be aimed at how healthcare organisations can overcome/address the
transitional factor to ensure the provision of safe high-quality nursing care by new graduates.
The recommendations should be a short section comprising statements of practical action that should
follow from the Findings and Discussion. i.e.,
–What needs to be done? (based on the findings/analysis)
–Who needs to do it? (based on the findings/analysis)
–How, when (in what order if appropriate) and where it needs to be done? (based on the findings/analysis)
Prior to preparing your assessment, please note the following:
• This report requires you to state findings from the literature and to review and assess findings from the
literature. For information about the requirements of a report and how to set it out, please access the
following University help sheets:
• Students are advised to access the University library assessment specific page for further advice and
information regarding this assessment:
• An introduction and conclusion are required, and each should not exceed 10% of the overall word count (i.e.,
200 words each).
• Students need to cite at least eight current academic references (i.e., peer-reviewed literature no more than
seven years old).
• Students should refer to (and cite) relevant Registered Nurse standards for practice, Code of conduct for
nurses, and/or Code of ethics for nurses. These should be included in your reference list, but these will not
be counted toward the minimum references required, i.e., the standards and codes constitute additional
references to the eight peer-reviewed articles required. Therefore, it is expected that more than 10
references will be used in total.
• Referencing is to be according to APA 7 th edition guidelines.
Regarding academic requirements, please adhere to the following guidelines: