Performance Management
July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022Topic : Widespread plagiarism is of considerable concern to universities and academics who often emphasise the moral and ethical aspects of the problem. Discuss the factors that lead university students to plagiarise and explain why ethical considerations are so important to academics.
Details :
Use FIVE (5) academic sources, including the required reading. No additional sources need be read as the aim is to select quality sources that will help you create a clear argument.
Present your essay using one consistent referencing style (APA 6 th for all students except Graphic Design students who will use Harvard). Indicate on the front page of your essay which style you are using.
Show your knowledge of the topic area as it is discussed in the literature.
Use formal academic writing (including paraphrases, quotations, citations, correctly written paragraphs, appropriate introduction and conclusion and a clear argument, and a reference list). ( As I had found the other sources, just need your help to follow the references ( and by your professional correction ) that I have, as I will upload another file about the draft I had done.)
Draft : Introduction
Argument statement The position that will be argued on the topic (use content key words) and the main points, in the order they will be discussed in the essay. The argument statement identifies how you are going to answer the essay topic.
In this essay it is argued that University students plagiarise because of their laziness, lack of knowledge and different culture study system and fear to failure. Further more, it is argued that academics stress the importance of ethics because they want to encourage the students to become honest and professionals.
Body paragraph 1
Topic sentence Contains the topic and position of this paragraph.
First, students choose to cheat because of their lazinesss
Claim 1. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Most of the assignment and Academic writing requires a lot of effort and time from students. Some students feel lazy to do the assignments or Academic writing then they leave them for the last day which is also links to their poor time management (Kwong, Ng, Kai-Pan & Wong, 2010, Introduction, section in para.5).
Claim 2. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
According to Batane, “Materials are available in the Internet” (2010, p.7). This matter leads students to rather take easy way to do the assignment which is just copy and paste the materials from the Internet and they do not have to spend their time on write their own work.
Claim 3. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Some of the lecture give same essays or tests every year and that sometimes make current students lazier and they just decide to copy from the students who had already had that certain of essays or test rather than spending time to sit down and study (Batane, 2010, p.7).
Body paragraph 2
Topic sentence Contains the topic & position of this paragraph. Secondly, students who have lack of knowledge attempt to plagiarise.
Claim 1. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Students choose to omit citations in assignments and majority of these students decide to omit citation because they do not know how to cite, lecture did not ask them to do so or their friends did not cite for it ( Ting, Musa & Mah, 2014, p.80).
Claim 2. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Especially international students but also some of local students who are not really good in English, struggle to write academic writing and do not have academic writing skills. For these people, it might help them to get better marks when they plagiarise, One if the mose interesting ways that international students decide to do is taking someone’s work for relevant to their assignment in their language and then they translate it and submit it as their own work (Theresa Kwong, Hing-Man Ng, Mark Kai-Pan & Eva Wong, 2010, Introduction, in paragraph 3).
Claim 3. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Some students have little knowledge about plagiarism therefore they do not have an idea how important citation and paraphrasing is ( Ting, 2013, p.76).
Body paragraph 3
Topic sentence (Contains the topic & position of this paragraph.)
Majority of students want to do well in their study and courses but surprisingly, they are fear to fail at the same time.
Claim 1. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Students fear to fail, especially when they have lack of faith in their own ability and it lead students to get somebody else’s work which is better than their own work (Sikes, 2009, p.18).
Claim 2. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Since students have less self-confidence, they looking for some other friend or pay someone else to fix their work or buy essays to get a better marks (tTing, Musa & Mah, 2014, p.82)
Claim 3. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Body paragraph 4
Topic sentence (Contains topic & position of this paragraph.)
University emphasis the ethics because they want their students to become honest and professional in their future career.
Claim 1. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
“Dishonest behaviours can have potentially dire consequences” (DiBartolo, Mary C, PhD, RN, BC; Ealsh, Catherine M, Phd & RN, 2010, in paragraph 2). No one would like to take airplane by someone who cheated during their study or either no one would like to have surgery by a doctor who cheated on their final exam because there people might cause an accident or even kill people.
Claim 2. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation. “Plagiarism is clearly a form of theft in that it involves stealing other people’ words and ideas” (Sikes, 2009, p.20). Stealing is an unethical behaviour. Some people even go to jail because of they stole someone’s belonging. This tells the importance of the ethical behaviour.
Claim 3. (Support from the literature: paraphrase or quote) Include citation.
Students decide to plagiarise or cheat because passing the tests or academic writing is too difficult for them, how can they survive in real work environment? University works are only the start of all tge gard works and almost first line that they have to cross in their lives (DiBartola, Mary C, PhD, Rn, BC; Walsh, Cetherine M, PhD & RN, 2010, in paragraph 4).
Summary of main points made in essay
Several reasons lead University students to plagiarise and most common reason is being lazy but people have to be aware that as the plagiarism is considerable from universities all around the world and in terms of academic, teachers and universities must have teacg students the importance of citations and paraphrasing. Sometimes fear to failure make students to copy and plagiarise someone else’s work because their own work are not good enough for them. One of the important reasons why the plagiarism is considerable is that
plagiarism is a big problem in terms of moral and ethics. It will also give students a big problem in their future career. Since the plagiarism is a big and important issue to considers, most of the universities try to develop their system to stop students to plagiarise for instance require students to use turnitin.
Showing agreement Show an instance of 2 authors agreeing on a point or idea
Sikes claimed that plagiarism is a stealing an idea or words of others, Dishonest behaviour have dire consequences which can effect
students’ future career in bad way (DirBartolo, Mary C, PhD, RN, BC; Walsh, Catherine M, PhD & RN)
Showing disagreement Show an instance of 2 authors disagreeing on a point or idea