Global Structures, Local Cultures
August 31, 2022BX2051 Managing People
September 1, 2022Length: 2000 words max. This does not include your reference list or appendices.
Task (from the subject outline):
This assessment revolves around the group project ‘Communication Culture Change’. The aim of this assignment is to develop a proposal for a corporate communication training. As a group, students will respond to the brief of a case study organisation and develop a training plan for the company. This involves ‘selling’ the communication training to the client by providing a clear value proposition.
Assessment Criteria:
- Clear and persuasive executive summary (5%)
- Structure appropriate to purpose and audience (10%)
- Language appropriate to purpose and audience, including grammar, professional tone, positive framing style (20%)
- Visual appearance appropriate to purpose and audience, including use of figures, graphics, tables, font sizes and styles, etc. (20%)
- Ability to develop a persuasive value proposition appropriate to an organisation’s strategic needs and priorities (40%)
- Evidence of improvements made following peer feedback (5%) *
Assignment 2 – Project Proposal: Briefing sheet
Proposal instructions:
You are a member of a training company specializing in the development and delivery of corporate communication trainings. Choose one of the topics listed on p. 4 in the case study document ‘Changing the Communication Culture at Opal-Mart’. Then, respond to the Opal-Mart brief by developing a proposal for the delivery of a communication training that is tailored to the needs of the company and target audience.
What to cover in your proposal:
• A one-page summary of the proposal fulfilling the following aims:
ð Offers a ‘hook’ – i.e. what motivates the proposal? (Why should the company representatives read this?)
ð Provides a brief overview of the proposed solution (communication training)
ð Establishes the credibility of your training service (Why should they trust you?)
• Background, scope and purpose
ð What is the rationale for conducting a communication training? (What strategic and/or operational issue(s) do you propose to address?)
ð What is the scope of the training? (What target audiences and/or areas of the organisation will be involved?)
ð What is the purpose of the communication training? (What aims will the communication training have?)
• Training Plan (Value Proposition)
ð This is the core of your proposal. The aim of this section is to illustrate to your (potential future) clients what the communication training will look like and what outcomes it is proposed to achieve. This involves:
(1) Explaining the training ‘philosophy’ of your company (how will you help your clients learn?)
(2) Offering an overview of the contents, timeframe, and delivery mode
(3) Highlighting the specific benefits your proposed training will have for the respective target audience and the company as a whole
• Briefly restates key points of the proposal (final sales pitch – why should the company choose you as a provider?)
• List of reference material consulted to substantiate points (e.g. communication research, industry reports)
• Information that supports your proposal but is not essential to its explanation