Assessment Item 2 Business Proposal Help
January 18, 2023
Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Help
January 19, 2023Choose ONE of the following questions:
1) Porters’ diamond trade theory and other new trade theories outline the case for government policies. What kinds of policies would you recommend that government adopt? Are these polices at variance with the free trade theory?
2) The WTO negotiations encountered a number of difficulties. Why is it that the successful conclusions of trade negotiations are crucial for the global economy? Use theories to explain their rationale and justification and the
consequences developing countries might experience.
3) Critically examine the extent to which the theory of exchange rates explains the performance of the US dollar since the financial crisis in 2008 and how the recent growth in the Chinese economy would impact the US dollar.
The essay should be 3,000 words and should include a bibliography.
References are not included in the word count.
The assignment should be submitted via unilearn.
Use Times Roman font size 12;
Have 1.5 spacing between lines;
Referencing of published sources using APA 6th format;
Include page numbers in the bottom right corner;