September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022TASK 2A 1500WORD
Task 2a–
Essay of 1500 words,
Task 2.1 -Student are expected to conduct a Health and Safety inspection in their workplace and various hazards. Inspection sheets will be made available by module tutor. Students who not in employment must inform the tutor to make arrangement with college for the inspection of the premises.From the Hazards spotted in your workplace, conduct a risk assessment and present your findings to the management in the form of report. This task will be due in with your final written task on week 14. Your report should not be more than 1000 words analysing how information from risk assessments informs care planning for individuals and organizational decision making about policies and procedures. Your inspection check list should be attached as an appendix to your final report. (LO2 .1 & 3.1).
Inquest following an incident that exposed a service user to severe burns and scaled was conducted by the Health and Safety Executive involving Four Seasons Health Care (Scotland) Limited(FSHCL). The organisation involved failed to ensure that hot water temperature from bath was not capable of being delivered at temperatures greater than 44 degrees Celsius, no checks were being carried out on the hot water coming from the bath to ensure the temperature was kept at 44 degrees Celsius or below whereby resident was lowered into a bath containing water of 56 degrees Celsius which had not been checked and subsequently suffered severe burns to feet and ankles. On the 28/10/2014 FSHCLwas found guilty at the Crown Court and were awarded a guilty fine penalty of £30,000 for breaching Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 sect/3/1. In other report, Prosecution of Four Seasons Care Home was established after a resident choked to death. A specialist assessment previously carried out at the local hospital had recommended she had pureed food and was supervised at meals. Two weeks later she was given fish and chips in a cone along with other residents. The HSE investigation into the incident found that due to lack of communication the staff that organised a film and supper evening had not been made aware that the deceased could not eat solid foods. Four Seasons had not completed a care plan and risk assessment for the resident on her arrival at the home and no systems were in place to protect residents. This case did result from the investigation of a fatality and a guilty penalty fine of £125,000.00 awarded by the HSE on the 01/12/2010.2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Using the case study provided write an essay on Understanding the ways in which health and safety requirements impact on customers and the work of
practitioners in the health and social care workplace.Total word count 1500 Please consider the following in your
answers 2.2 Based on the case study 2, Analyse the impact on health and safety policy on moving and handling/food safety in health and social care practice and on the care users in the organisation given in the study.
Page 10 of 132.3 Discuss the dilemmas care workers will encounter in carrying out health and safety policies and
procedures. 2.4A analyse the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social
care workplace. An opportunity to achieved M2 M3 D2 & D3For M2: A range of relevant sources of information is used. Range in this context means range in quantity and variety. At this level, you should cite and refer to 5 or
more resources (for task 2) from a variety of sources including books, Internet, journals, etc. Harvard referencing
format has been correctly and consistently applied in both citations and the reference list. For D1 What are the
likely changes do you foresee in the next five years’ time in the Health and Social Care industry. What would you
advise Health and Social care organization involve responding to those changes?Additional Resources for LO2
Further reading for LO2s visithttp://www.hse.gov.ukto download the following materials free: http://www.hse.gov.uk/prosecutions/case/case_details.asp?SF=CN&SV=4337595 The Guide to the Handling of People –a systems approach(Sixth edition) Back Care 2011ISBN 978 0 9530 5281 3Back in work –Back pack 22 June 2010 www.nhsemployers.org/HealthyWorkplaces/MSDs/Pages/Backinwork-backpack.aspxManaging
medical devicesDB (05) Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency 6 November.