August 25, 2017International Business
August 28, 2017ITC133 Customer Support Management
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Answer the following questions by writing in the Journal section of Interact2:
(hints and tips to write this assignment is available under Assignment tab of Interact2)
All answers (to Q1, Q2 and Q3) to be in one single journal entry only.
Reflect on the case you presented in your first journal entry in Assignment 2.
In Q1 and Q2 – you are writing it from the perspective of the Customer Service Officer.
In Q3 – you are writing it as an academic essay (third person writing and references to
literature required)
Q1 – Case Summary (100 words) [1 mark] Write out a summary of the case from the angle of the customer support officer to his/her supervisor.
Please do not write in bulleted or dot points. No references are required.
Q2 – Help Desk Operations (200 words) [2 marks] List any three improvement in operations (administration, processes, policy, etc.) you would suggest
to enable you to solve the customer’s problem. Please do not write in bulleted or dot points.
References are not compulsory, but if used, should be in APA 6th edition.
Q3 – You may also want to refer to Topic 4 covering “how to write user guides”
Watch a video that is included in the Interact2 “Assignment 3 tab”.
This video will be made available to you one week before due date of this assignment.
Write out an instruction guide (user manual) to be included with the distribution of the video.
You may assume the reader has basic understanding of the software. (500-1000 words) [13 marks]
Presentation Formatting Requirements (2 marks):
(see Presentation section below)
After you “Create Journal Entry”, please click “Post Entry”
You are given full editing rights even after you post – even the ability to delete that Post.
It will also enable the lecturer/marker to provide you assistance prior to the deadline.
If you “Save Entry as Draft”, only you can see it and in the past, many students forget to
click on “Post Entry” which means you have not submitted your assignment at all when the
deadline has passed.
ALERT: Some students prefer to cut-and-paste from a word processor, and
depending on their settings, this may cause formatting problems later.
Journal Presentation Formatting Requirements:
1. Journal space on Interact2 presentation text width between 85-95 characters including spaces.
2. Font types and sizes consistent (use Arial 12pt) throughout and paragraphs well formed.
3. Submit answers to all work in one journal entry.
4. No attachments to journal entry allowed.
Other Presentation Requirements:
1. Avoid using dot points, bulleted points, numbered points in your work. Lists do not display your
understanding of the subject matter and may even appear disjointed to the reader/marker.
2. Meet word limits in each question (allowance of +/- 5%). Table of contents are not required and
the Reference list are not included in the word count.
3. Use either UK spelling or USA spelling but do not mix both.
4. All work presented should be carefully proofed, so that spelling and typographical errors are
5. No language used should be sexist.
6. If acronyms and jargon are used, please explain them in the first instance, then use the
abbreviated form in the rest of the report.
7. Appendices are not to be used.
8. Use of headings and sub-headings can be used for clarity.
9. It is important to get the balance right between the citing of referenced material and your
own interpretation and ideas. When using your own thoughts and ideas, you can signal the
reader by using words and phrases such as ‘it can be argued that…”, “it is evident that…” and
“it seems as though…”
10. Writing in the third person is expected in all pieces of work (except Q3).
11. Do not submit multiple copies (or versions) of your work. If you do, the marker will only
pick the one with the lowest mark awarded. You have full editing rights, kindly remove all
unnecessary material before the date due.
12. All date/time mentioned and used is in Australian Eastern Standard Time (or Australian
Eastern Daylight Savings Time) or Sydney time.
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