October 11, 2022
Company Research Report
October 11, 2022Instructions on Assessment:
In 3,000 words, you must demonstrate your critical understanding of the importance of understanding the role of culture within cross-cultural management.
Task One, Reflection: [see example of a blog entry at end of this brief]
Based on the lecture and seminar themes you should reflect each week on what you have learnt and how you have developed your knowledge and skills within this field of study. This will be demonstrated through keeping and recording of a weekly “blog” for each teaching week on the module, each entry should be approximately 100 words, and the complete blog should be included in an appendix.
Your reflection needs to focus on areas that have had the most impact on your learning, this could be a small range of specific learning weeks that you particularly gained from, you can use evidence from your blog. Then you need to identify three (3) areas for continuing development in cross cultural management and explain how these relate to your potential future business role. This element is worth 30% of overall marks – recommended 1,000 words in total.
Task Two, Essay:
Write an essay on one of the following questions. Your essay should draw upon a range of appropriate literature, theoretical models or frameworks highlighted during this module; you should use examples from business or your own experiences from your blog to support your analysis and proposals. This element is worth 70% of the overall marks – approximately 2000 words.
Question 1
How might different national cultural values impact on business ethics and corporate social responsibility? What practices might improve the effectiveness of international managers who are seeking to deal with these conflicts?
Question 2
In what ways can different national cultural values influence organisational commitment and justice? What can an international business do to communicate their own preferred approach and encourage the acceptance?
Question 3
Compare and contrast the views of diversity from an Eastern and Western perspective; how might a multicultural business manage the cross cultural challenges that their diversity brings?
Both tasks should be submitted together in one WORD document.
Word limits and penalties for assignments
The assignment should be within 10% [+ or -] the identified word count.
The word count is to be declared on the front cover page of your assignment.
The word count does not include:
- Front cover and contents pages
- Glossary
- Reference List or Bibliography
- Appendices
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith,)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.
If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
You are advised to use the assessment checklist before submission.
Submission of Assessment:
All assignments must be submitted via the Turnitin Dropbox only by 14:00 on the hand-in date given. It is advisable to retain a copy of your assignment for you own records. Your mark and feedback will be made available to you electronically once the internal moderation process has taken place; you should note that at this stage marks are still subject to external examiner and academic board approval.
Referencing your work
In this institution the Harvard method of referencing is used.
The Harvard method of referring to publications and of arranging references uses the author's name and the date of the publication. References are listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order by author's name. The general format of a journal reference is shown in the example below:
Smith, J. How to succeed! Journal of Entrepreneurs, 1(2), p. 34-56 Author’s name and initials are listed first, followed by year of publication in brackets. Then there is the title of article and the journal where article appears, which is underlined or in italics. Finally, state the volume and issue Number (in brackets) along with the pages where article can be located.
A short guide to Harvard referencing will also be available on the Sunspace site under the module assessment navigation button.
Academic Integrity and Misconduct:
Your attention is drawn to the University’s stated position on plagiarism. THE WORK OF OTHERS, WHICH IS INCLUDED IN THE ASSIGNMENT MUST BE ATTRIBUTED TO ITS SOURCE (a full bibliography and/or a list of references must be submitted as prescribed in the assessment brief).
Please note that this is intended to be an individual piece of work. Action will be taken where a student is suspected of having cheated or engaged in any dishonest practice. Students are referred to the University regulations on plagiarism and other forms of academic irregularity. Students must not copy or collude with one another or present any information that they themselves have not generated.