ENGM1C Engineering Operations Management
January 13, 2018HI5017 Managerial Accounting
January 14, 2018PPMP20008
Assessment 2:
Project Scenario
Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training Project
- Project Title: Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training for Central Queensland University (CQU)
Concept: Create greater awareness amongst CQU students and employees about indigenous history, culture, languages and protocols.
- Background
The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee is interested in projects that promote student and staff understanding of indigenous perspectives and cultural awareness into SET unit curriculums.
The Committee discussed the idea of developing a cultural awareness training program for CQ University students and staff to better understand local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island history, culture, languages and protocols. One of the Committee members suggests such a project would be very complex. The Committee chair wants further information before raising the idea with the relevant funding body. Another Committee member suggests it would be good to have the training program released to coincide with the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) week between 8th – 15th July 2018.
- Content and style of training
The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has requested cultural awareness training program include indigenous history, culture, languages and protocols. The Committee also requested the training program include both face to face and online training components. In addition, the training program should be tailored for the needs of CQ University students and employees.
The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has indicated members of local Aboriginal and Islander communities be one of the key stakeholders in this project. The Committee has requested that during the project any contact with these communities be undertaken in a respective and culturally appropriate manner.
- Your Task
You have been tasked to provide the Chair of the SET Indigenisation Committee with further information in relation to the project. The Chair will act as the Project Executive for the project. The assessment content headings for your project submission are listed below. This submission is due in week 9.
- Assessment
Content of project submission | Marks |
Project description and justification | 7
Requirements management | 5
Scope | 10
Schedule | 5 |
Budget | 5
Risks | 5
Tolerances | 1 |
Lessons | 2 |
50 |
- Assessment task 2 is an individual assessment
You are to develop a project plan that reflects the project described in this document and aligns to PMBoK and Prince2 requirements.
The Project Executive has supplied a template for you to use which has been tailored to suit the organisational context and incorporates elements of both a project plan and a charter.
Title Page
Include a title page at the beginning of the assessment item with the following information:
- The project title (i.e. ‘The Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training Project’)
- Student name and student number
- Campus (DST for distance/Flex students)
- Tutor name
- Tutorial number
Please note: Further documentation concerning this project proposal including the template referred to above will be up-loaded on Moodle in due course.