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January 31, 2022
February 1, 2022Introduction
The sector that has been selected for the assignment is the hospitality industry. The topics that have been shortlisted for the conduction of the review are job design, HR planning, recruitment and selection.
Mohan, A. K. L., & Arumugam, D. (2016). A Study on evaluation of Human Resource Practices In Hotel Industry with special reference to selected Hotels in Chennai City. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Keywords: Human Resource Practice, the formal strategy of HR
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Part 1
This journal paper has illustrated the evaluation and measurement of the extent to which adoption of various aspects of human resource management, the development of various functions of HR and the existence of formal strategy of HR in the hotel industry of Barbados inc. comparison with the samples of hotels in Hogue in the market of the United Kingdom. This journal article has encompassed the methodology approach which includes a quantitative survey of around 46 hotels. This survey has been conducted among the population of around 75 hotels with the respondents of the management in the hotel including the HR or line manager and the general manager. In the journal article, the findings that were obtained related to the adoption of the HR practices that are very prevalent in the hotels present in Barbados.
The results in this journal were mixed up and presented that the hotels present in Barbados are having better performance in business as compared to the UK counterparts in regards to the development of the functions of HR. The research methodology that has been used for the conduction of this research is the quantitative survey which made it easier for obtaining the comparisons and provided an authoritative perspective.
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The research methodology in this research paper b has been carried out with the objective of making direct comparisons between various management practices in the human resource in Barbados and in the United Kingdom. The research methodology has encompassed a questionnaire design that aims at getting quantifiable information on the industry of hotels in Barbados along with an objective of having comprehension about HRM. The research methodology has encompassed evaluation of strategies that are undertaken by the hotels in Barbados and the issues that arose in the strategic integration of the decision making of HR that is pursued by the hotels. Moreover, the conclusions that are derived denote that the hotels in Barbados had better scores in the context of best HR practices as compared to the other hotels in the United Kingdom.
Part 2
The research paper has assisted me in determining the effectiveness of various HR practices in a developing country. I have also found out that it assisted in gaining comprehension about the fact that effective implementation of HR practices would assist in increasing efficiencies and business outcomes in developing countries too. I understood that various business organizations in the hospitality industry need to make effective approaches towards achieving growth in terms of better management of human resources within their business infrastructure which would assist them in gaining a competitive advantage.
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Young-Thelin, L., & Boluk, K. (2012). A case study of human resource practices in small hotels in Sweden. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 11(4), 327-353.
Keywords: Selection and Recruitment, Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism
Part 1
The second journal article that has been considered for the bibliography is “A Case Study of Human Resource Practices in small Hotels in Sweden”. The research study has been carried out with the objective of investigating various practices in human resources in small hotels in Sweden. There has been an evaluation of three key areas of management of human resources hiring, performance evaluation and training. The research paper has identified that issue regarding lack of focused attention by the management of the hotels to the processes and systems of human resources.
The research paper has focused on exploring various processes involved in the selection and recruitment of new employees in hotels. It has included the examination of various purposes of development and training in the industry of hotels. The research has also facilitated grounds for the investigation of the ways in which the managers in the hotel evaluate and monitor the performance of the employees. There has been the elaboration of various concepts associated with human resource management that assist in the conduction of practices and processes that affect the behaviour of the employees.
Various models of Human resource management have been elaborated in the research paper. Further, the research journal has a description of various functions of human resource management. There has been an effective elaboration of the recruitments and selection process in the hotel industry. Further, the assignment has also highlighted the significance of having proper and structured training and development sessions for the employees. The research journal has illustrated various aspects of performance appraisal and management and the significance of integrating them in the management of various hotels. The questions that the research paper has addressed relate to the types of current methods that are undertaken for the purpose of selection and recruitment. The focus of the research paper is also on the extent of alignment of the current methods with the established description of the job. Moreover, the basis of providing training in accordance with the needs of employees is also focused in the research paper which has been obtained through the qualitative method.
Part 2
The research has assisted me in finding that HR practices are very important for the scenarios like the hotel industry. Secondly, I also inferred that HR practices have to be carried out with utmost care and precision in the business organizations in any industry for better conduction of business.
Boella, M. (2017). Human resource management in the hotel and catering industry. Routledge.
Keywords: Human resource management, hotel and catering industry
Part 1
The third journal article that has been taken into consideration for the bibliography is “Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry”. This research paper has conducted an evaluation of the implications of the analysis of the human assets and the assessment of optimized utilization of the human resource that is more significantly prominent in hospitality enterprises. The research journal has also focused on the changes that have occurred in the societal aspects due to the hospitality industry. There is a sign of having an effective management system for the human resource in the hotel and hospitality industry. It has also focused on the change that has to be undertaken in the management of the human resources in the hospitality industry in accordance with the changes in the demands of the business environment and market.
The issue that is faced by the human resource management of the hospitality and tourism industry such as employees looking for overseas employment is discussed in the research. The research paper has categorized human resource management in the form of a specialist function. Various policies, different aspects of recruitment such as the primary market for labour, the secondary market for labour and discrimination taking place in the human resource management of the tourism and hospitality industry has been focused in the paper. Further, there has been an illustration of recruitment, selection and training processes in the tourism and hospitality industry. The efforts that the managers need to take have been evaluated in the paper. Moreover, the principles regarding incentives schemes are inferred in the research journal.
Part 2
I found that the research journal has assisted in gaining a comprehensive idea regarding the integration of effective business practices within the frameworks of human resource management practices. I also found that the description of the principles that are to be followed by the management departments of human resources in the hospitality and tourism industry has provided important insights into the functionality of the managers. I could find that the ways in which proper training should be imparted to the employees are elaborated which has assisted in gaining comprehension regarding effective implementation of management practices in this regard.
The ways in which managers need to conduct business operations are very helpful and effective in real-life practices. I could learn principles associated with incentive schemes that have also provided elaboration of best approaches regarding encouraging and motivating the human resource of the hospitality industry. This has been very helpful in terms of avoiding employee retention in the hospitality industry due to external influences as the ways in which job satisfaction would be provided can be traced out.
Naidu, S., & Chand, A. (2014). A comparative analysis of best human resource management practices in the hotel sector of Samoa and Tonga. Personnel Review, 43(5), 798-815.
Keywords: Comparative Analysis, Best HRM Practices
Part 1
The fourth journal article that has been taken into consideration for the assessment is “A comparative analysis of best human resource management practices in the hotel sector of Samoa and Tonga”. The research paper is oriented towards gaining a comparative analysis of the most effective and best practices of human resource management in the hotel sector of Tonga and Samoa. The research paper has identified the differences between the influence of external and influence factors in varying geographical settings. The prime objective of the paper has been centred around investigating the best practices of human resource management in the hotel sector of Tonga and Samoa categorically.
The objective of the research paper is also focused on conducting a comparative analysis of the best practices of human resource management in the hotel industry of Tonga and Samoa. The reason for the research paper for the assessment is also to address the unique external and internal environmental factors. The research paper facilitates a structural framework for conducting a comparative assessment of the best human resource management practices in the hotel of Tonga and Samoa. There has been literature review and theoretical perspectives regarding the analysis of the issue.
The research paper also encompasses best HRM practices in the hospitality sector in developing, developed countries along with the developing states that are small islands. The research methodology that is undertaken for this research included primary research including random sampling and questionnaire. The outcomes that were obtained in this regard were evaluated with the standard deviation, means and Pearson’s correlation coefficients of various categories of human resource management practices. There have been illustrations of theoretical implications that the findings of the paper have on the evaluated HRM practices. The conclusion of the research paper assisted in determining the effectiveness of differences in external and internal environmental factors in various geographical areas.
Part 2
I found that the research paper has assisted in the determination of best human resource practices in the sector of hotels in Samoa and Tonga. I also found the research study to assist in gaining enhanced comprehension about various assumptions regarding the contextual paradigm. The findings that are obtained from this research study have helped me in identifying limitations for the effective implementation of the HRM practices in the business organization in the sector of hospitality. The research study has assisted me in opening new scope for the conduction of future researchers in various ways. I have also found that the research study provides usability in the various research designs for evaluating the effectiveness of various business practices in the hospitality sector.
Prayag, G., & Hosany, S. (2015). Human resource development in the hotel industry of Mauritius: myth or reality?. Current Issues in Tourism, 18(3), 249-266.
Keywords: Human resource development, quality improvements
Part 1
The fifth research journal that has been considered is “Human Resource Development in the Hotel Industry of Mauritius: Myth or Reality? “. The research study is oriented towards identifying the role, significance and results attributed to the development of human resources by line managers in the hotel industry of Mauritius. The data collection for the conduction of the research study was done through the method of in-depth interviews of around 135 line managers of the hotels. Moreover, the entire analysis of the data for the conduction of the research study was done through a two-step process. The first step, of data analysis, included thematic analysis which recognizes key themes that are used in the textual data. Secondly, the method of artificial neural software assisted in generating interrelationships among various themes.
The outcomes or findings that were obtained through the conduction of the research study that is related to the human resource development pertain to organizational success, improvement in the quality of service, sharing of various knowledge and enhancements in operational efficiency. The identification of four outcomes was devised which included improvements in the attitude of the staff, better teamwork, better delivery of service and enhanced productivity. The finding in the research study pertains to the provision of indications of a requirements-driven approach to human resource development and the association between the corporate strategy and human resource development is unclear. The outcomes of the research paper encompass the implications for the competitiveness of the destination and organization. The research method of the research study includes the qualitative approach that included semi-structured interviews.
The methodology assisted in gaining comprehension of the role, significance and challenges of human resource development in the industry of hotels in Mauritius. The outcomes that were obtained from the research study included the strong preference of the hotels towards on job training and the reason why the managers preferred the on-job training.
Part 2
I have found the research study to provide valuable comprehension about the strong correlation between quality improvements of service and human resource development. It has also assisted me in highlighting the focus of the line managers on sharing of skills and knowledge in aspects of human resource development. I have found the illustration of the contribution of human resource development to operational efficiency to be very effectively highlighted. This research study has also assisted in gaining various insights for making improvements in the implementation of practices of development of human resources in the hotel industry.