HRMT20028 Organisational Change Management
March 14, 2018HealthCare – Critical reflection
March 14, 2018Programme: HND Health and Social Care
Unit Number and Title: Unit 09: Empowering Users in Health and Social Care
Unit Level: QCF Level
Purpose of this assignment
This assignment will enable you to explore how to empower individuals using health and social care services in order to maximize their independence. You should refer to the assessment criteria and also the relevant unit content, when preparing your evidence for assessment. The assignment
Assessment Methods
- Case Study
- Research
- Written Questions
- Presentation
- Booklet
Specification of Assessment
Assignment Title |
Assessment Method |
Covered |
Final Submission Dates |
Task One: | Report | Q1, 2 & 3 |
Week 1 (week commencing on 08/01/2018)
19TH March 2018 |
Task Two: | Essay | Q4, 5 & 6 | |
Task Three: | A fact sheet | Q7 & 8 | |
Task Four: | A journal article
Q9, 10 & 11 | |
Unit content:
1 Understand how the design and review of services promotes and maximises the rights of users of health and social care services
Legislation and sector skills standards: current legislation and sector skills standards that are relevant to promoting the rights of individuals; inspection processes, powers, duties, responsibilities, accountabilities, entitlements; organizations: providing services for vulnerable people
Factors: policies, procedures; staffing e.g. staffing levels, shift patterns, continuing professional development; individual e.g. level of dependence, changing health status
Communication: methods to overcome differences in communication e.g. second language, disability; recording information for continuous improvement e.g. best outcome for users of services, feedback, complaints, comments, inspection, recommendations for improvement
2 Understand how to promote the participation and independence of users of health and social care services
Factors affecting independence and choice: dependence, independence, choice, constraints, empowerment; physical, social, emotional, intellectual factors; changing needs, access to information, participation in decision making
Organizational systems: ensuring performance of workers, sources of information for individuals, empowering individuals
Considerations: possible tensions e.g. safety versus independence, rights responsibilities; individuals, others
3 Understand the responsibility of managing and monitoring risks in health and social care settings
Risks: from harm; from abuse; from failure to protect
Effective management of risks: relevant legislation; acceptable and unacceptable risks; protection from unacceptable risk; national service standards; assessing and recording risk, complaints procedures; leadership style, whistle blowing policy
4 Understand how good practice in the administration of medication is essential for users of health and social care services
Handling of medication: ordering and maintaining, administration, storage, recording, disposal
National standards: current standards and legislation; codes of practice and policies; national inquiries e.g. the Shipman inquiry; ethical issues; service user choice; acceptable risk; standard for medication.
This Unit will be assessed by assignment
You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document” before answering your assignment.
Case Scenario
In its annual report for 2013/2014, the Tower Hamlet Council noted that it had observed that applications from disabled service users across the health and social care sectors had decreased than might be expected, given that it is estimated that 1.5 million people in the UK have a disability.
Although disability is generally underreported among applicants in the job market, the Council felt that a specific commitment was needed in order to encourage more disabled people to apply for jobs across the health and social care sector. Mindful of the specific duties (under legislations such as Equality Act 2010; Disability Discrimination Act 2015, Care Act 2014; improving staff awareness around disabled issues and continuous professional development for staff), the council’s adopted strategy for the following year was to increase the number of applicants in various health and social care sectors.
You are employed as a health and social care consultant to work with the housing department, social workers, benefits agencies, to identify and place disabled service users in these sectors with the aim of developing their skills and confidence and to maximise the service user’s independence to support long-term employment prospects and to promote their independence.
As a health and social care consultant, your role is to come up with a strategy to increase more job applicants’ form for disabled people who are interested in applying for health and social care job vacancies and deal with health and social care agencies and ensure that clients are empowered to exercise maximise choice and maximise control over their lives and the support they receive. This is achieved through enabling clients to be fully involved in the design, development and delivery of the service in order to ensure that the support we provide is a true reflection of the needs and preferences of the service users. This will include supporting service users to be involved with staff recruitment, training and quality assurance processes, and empowering service users to make their views known through our accessible complaints and suggestions procedures, through supporting clients to become a Service User Representative and through facilitating regular consultation opportunities for clients to attend.
Service users will also be empowered to enjoy full engagement with their wider community and to participate fully with equal citizens. The agency has a positive view of each service user’s potential to achieve their goals and outcomes. Service users will be supported to make a positive contribution to their community through accessing paid or voluntary employment, exercising their civil, human and legal rights, participating in local community forums, etc. In assignment, your manager has asked you to address the questions on task 2 in an essay format.
It is Tower Hamlet Council’s practice that across all of health and social care sector service providers must ensure that staffs adopt a positive approach to risk taking which will enable service users to develop the skills/confidence and experience opportunities for personal development which are so essential to achieving improved levels of independence.
They expect staff to hold a positive view of each service user’s potential and to assess and manage risks based on this positive view (whilst upholding our Duty of Care). They work closely with partners in the multidisciplinary team (MDT) to assess risk and develop risk management strategies (both proactive and reactive) which ensure the least restrictive approach, whilst avoiding exposure to unnecessary levels of risk.
As a health and social care consultant, you have been asked to consider a study published in the social media newspaper of The Guardian that “level of drug errors in care homes” care homes in England is at an alarming rate. The study in question looked at 256 elderly people from 55 care homes in England. The mistakes included errors in dosage and how the drugs should be taken.
As reported, the study found that nearly 70% of the care home residents had at least one medication error”.
The Department of Health (DOH) has said it is working with the Care Quality Commission to address these issues. A DOH spokesman said, “The CQC is currently scoping a major review of healthcare for people living in care homes in England generally on medication safety, which is one of their key priorities for this year.”
Task 1 LO1: Understand how the design and review of services promotes and maximises the rights of users of health and social care services.
(Recommend words up to 1000 report)
Using the case scenario above to produce a report to answer the following questions:
Q1. Explain how current legislations and sector skills standards influence organisational policies and practices for promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care. You are to give examples of legislations and sectors skills standards to support your explanation. [P1.1, M1]
Q2. Analyse factors that promote and maximizes the rights of users of health and social care. [P1.2]
Q3. Analyse how communication between care workers and service users contribute to promoting and maximising the rights of service users of health and social care services. Use examples of techniques and purposes of communications to support your answer. [P1.3, M2]
To achieve M1, complex problems with more than one variable have been explored when explaining using specific examples of current legislations such as Equality Act 2010, Care Act 2014, and sector skills that influence organisational policies and practices for promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care.
- To achieve M2, relevant theories and techniques have been applied how methods are used to overcome differences in communication between care workers and individuals to contribute to promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services.
Task 2: LO2: Understand how to promote the participation and independence of users of health and social care services.
(Recommended words up to 700)
Produce an essay to answer the following:
Q4. Explain factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people. [P2.1]
Q5. Analyse how organisational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care services. [P2.2, D2]
Q6. Analyse the tensions that arise when balancing the rights of the service user to independence and choice against the care provider’s duty to protect the service users. [P2.3, M1]
- To achieve D2, substantial activities have been planned and managed on time to analyse how examples such as performance of workers, sources of information for individuals are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care services
Task 3: LO3: Understand the responsibility of managing and monitoring risks in health and social care settings.
(Recommended word up to 700)
Produce a FACT SHEET that answers the following:
Q7. Using the summary and example from a case study that you have researched on the internet or other literature sources, identify the extent to which individuals are at risk of harm. [P3.1, D1]
Q8. Analyse the effectiveness of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health or social care setting for promoting the management of risks. Here you must give examples of specific policies to support your answer. [P3.2, M1]
- To achieve D1 arrive at conclusions through synthesis of ideas in describing the extent to which individuals are at risk of harm within the case study in a health and social care setting.
- To achieve M1 an effective approach to study and research has to be applied in analysing policies and their effectiveness, procedures and managerial approach within a health or social care setting for promoting the management of risks.
Task 4: LO4 Understand how good practice in the administration of medicine is essential for users of health and social care services.
(Recommended words up to 500)
In a journal article answer the following question:
Q9. Review current legislation, codes of practice and policy that apply to the handling of medication. Here you are to give examples of legislations, codes of practice and policies that support your review. [P4.1, M3]
Q10. Evaluate the effectiveness of policies and procedures within a health and social care setting for administering medication. Here you should justify your evaluations with examples. [P4.2, D3]
Q11. Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy [P4.3, D2].
- To achieve M3, the appropriate structure and approach has been used by means of incorporating examples such as Medicine Act 1968, Care Standards Act 2000, Nursing and Midwifery Council publications that apply to the handling of medication.
- To achieve D3, convergent and lateral thinking has to be applied in evaluating the effectiveness of national inquiries such as Shipman Enquiry for the administration of medication within a health and social care setting.