Case Study Analysis Sample
October 20, 2023
Business and Market in Global Environment- Market Report
November 1, 2023Summary
In the times when technological innovation and advancement take the helm of affairs across various social and economic entities, it is rather interesting to observe and understand why some businesses with a certain kind of technology and services to offer become the market leaders. There are several factors both external and internal that contribute to the success of the business enterprise in the long run.
In this report, the entrepreneur that has been chosen in the light of the business acumen and success he has shown over the decades is Lee Byung Chull. Samsung was founded in the year 1932 under the leadership of Lee Byung Chull in South Korea as a Samsung trading company, from where it has grown to the formidable position of being a tech giant and a frontline technological innovator for a long time now. The enormity of Samsung’s business in the technological domain has been a topic of interest for most of the stakeholders and experts in the domain.
Lee Byung Chull, the founder of Samsung has been a key input to the entrepreneurial task of setting up an organization to achieve a set of economic and other roles. In this report, an attempt has been made to report the various entrepreneurial elements in a play about the founder and the company itself in a broad view of the present-day market scenario.
Section A
SWOT analysis
- Large base for capital funding and investment into the production and research activities undertaken by the company
- High rate of research-driven development: highest expenditure in terms of research, development, and innovation
- String patented portfolios among all the other technology companies across the globe
- Strongest contender in terms of open source technology and associated development (Android and other open source platforms)
- large product diversity
- Focus on quality and production cost.
- Large dependency on third-party consumer electronics software and other crucial hardware components
- Inflexible in terms of swift changes in management due to the large size of the operation
- Lack of own software or operating system software platform for its devices
- Instances of product malfunction on a large scale
- Past cases of copyright infringement for technological and design elements in its devices
- Huge dependency on mobile communication and Android gadgets
- First-entry advantage in several countries
- Acquisition of new companies via strategic alliance and subsequent takeover by the management
- String financial position and hence higher risk-taking capabilities
- Growth in the market trend for smartphones and other popular electronic gadgets
- High demand for smartphones and other technologically advanced gadgets in high-volume markets such as India and Southeast Asia.
- A strong and large number of competitors with diverse portfolios in every product line
- Competitive advantage for the Chinese competitors in terms of quality and cost
- Past product fails in its flagship product lines
- Local market competitors gaining an advantage in emerging economies such as India, Taiwan, etc.
Improving the organizational culture and Team working in Costa Coffee
Business model adopted by Samsung
Over the decades, Samsung has had a strong presence in terms of business acumen and the growth strategy that it has adopted over the years. A lot of this could be attributed to the founder Lee Byung-Chul as he set the foundation for the management, brand perception, and ethical practices that are undertaken by the company to this day (Amit, et al., 2015).
Strictly speaking, Samsung Group has employed different business models in different niches and expertise so far. For example, in the case of Samsung Mobile, Samsung builds strategic alliances with other makers for the production and other associated activities and employs its assembling facilities for the final rollout of the product (Hyett, Kenny & Dickson-Swift, 2014)
. The company has diversified to a great extent in terms of the products and services that it has been offering since the very beginning. (Hudson, Lyn & Maslin-Prothero, 2014)
Theoretical justification using entrepreneurial theories for the chosen Entrepreneur
As per Eagly (1995), a few of the scholastic hypotheses of sexual orientation contrasts offer clarifications in light of profoundly situated social or even organic contrasts between men and ladies. The expert-written works are additionally especially prone to underscore sexual orientation contrasts, translating them as center parts of being a man or a lady in the entrepreneurial procedure. In any case, other particularly role-based speculations and risks underline that sexual orientation contrasts in conduct ought to be relied upon to change alongside other social changes. In addition, even speculations of steadier sexual orientation contrasts by and large additionally concede the concurrence of more flexible sexual orientation contrasts. Hazard has for quite some time been a focal idea in the business enterprise writing proposed by Adam Smith and J.S. Process (Hudson, Lyn & Maslin-Prothero, 2014) Entrepreneurial exercises are habitually accepted to include risk-taking, particularly concerning administrative exercises inside setup partnerships. Notwithstanding, inquiry has fizzled to reliably observe chance-taking penchant to be an attribute recognizing business people from others. An all the more encouraging late line of investigation has proposed that business people vary in psychological style from others and that they might be more prone to make specific psychological mistakes, particularly blunders of arrogance. Clinicians have recorded direct and reliable levels of contrasts between men and ladies in hazard-taking practices. An investigation of 150 reviews looking at such contrasts discovered some proof of a fleeting pattern toward smaller contrasts, yet at the same time found that men were essentially more likely than ladies to participate in 14 of 16 sorts of hazardous exercises (Hussain, et al., 2014).
None other than Schumpeter managed the financial part of business visionaries all the more expressly. He characterized business people as a motor of the entrepreneur economy as a subject of mechanical advancement or as an entertainer of a new mix. To him, entrepreneurial exercises implied an extreme variable for monetary advancement and vacillations. In this manner, Schumpeter’s hypothesis of business enterprise can be comprehended by alluding to the procedure of financial advancement. Today the motivation behind why more expectation is paid to the business is that the idea of administration has varied from that before. In the mid-1990s, business people were, for the most part, thought to be solid and overcome in their attitude, who required neither specialized curriculum nor preparation, nor the assistance of monetary establishments or specialists, most of whom were thought to take care of business. Furthermore, business visionaries were previously viewed as an organizer of little organizations with intuition and a capable and autonomous penchant (Hyett, Kenny & Dickson-Swift, 2014). They were likewise accepted to be conceived, not to be made a short time later. In any case, today, their consciousness has much changed, as alleged ‘particular business people develop, who have been prepared on strategies and systems to investigate business conditions and depend on their mettle and guts, as opposed to their brains.
According to another perspective on the theories of entrepreneurship a lot rides on the sociological factors as well, which incidentally was also the case with the Samsung group and its initial days in the business domain. Entrepreneurial endeavors are social substances from the earliest starting point because even solo ventures verifiably include a decision not to impart possession to others in the establishing procedure. How a business venture starts and whether others are enlisted to join the exertion can have enduring outcomes for its execution and survival (Khayesi, George & Antonakis, 2014). Endeavors can be framed therefore in groups. Three standards of fundamental group arrangement might be recognized: decision on the premise of homophily, purposive decision, and decision obliged by setting or opportunity structure. Homophily alludes to the propensity of individuals to connect with others like themselves, for example, picking others on the premise of sex or ethnicity. The purposive decision reflects people’s inclinations to pick other people who have important abilities, for example, instruction or experience. At last, open-door structures set a setting inside which the initial two standards work. Business enterprise has a mental contract including a give and take transactionionary relationship in the type of collaboration including at least two people who mutually build up a business in which they have a value (budgetary) intrigue. These people are available amid the pre-start-up period of the firm before it starts making its merchandise or administrations accessible to the market. By this definition, an entrepreneur must be included from the earliest starting point and should have a valuable stake in the dare to be viewed as an individual from the group. A significant part of the writing depends on the presumption that groups are considered decisions of a lead business visionary or set of founders. (King & Learmonth, 2015) hypothesize that there are mental advantages gotten from connections between group individuals Unlike a performance business visionary, who must bear the weight of settling on choices and confronting their results with nobody else to fault, entrepreneurial groups spread the duty over people. Defending choices to different people and additionally having a valuable stake in the venture makes colleagues more certain about their choices. Francis and Sandberg noticed that kinships may hold groups together and fortify gallant endeavors amid troublesome circumstances (Lavoie, 2015). The Biological point of view of the business enterprise includes mental fulfillment and contrasts in practices shown by various sexual orientations in their attempts as business visionaries and entrepreneurs.
The modern theories of business ventures and entrepreneurship are reflected in the works portrayed previously (Levine & Rubinstein, 2013) and express that enterprise includes the nexus of two wonders: the nearness of lucrative open doors also, the nearness of venturesome people. Their hypothesis is motivated by the Kirznerian entrepreneurial theory prepares. However, they underscore that earlier data is required to supplement the new data in the revelation of business openings. In this regard, they are like Schultz who contends that human capital is a vital determinant of entrepreneurial capacity. (Mariotto, Zanni & MORAES, 2014) tries to include both the Schumpeterian and the Knightian definitions by belligerence that business people are people who represent considerable authority in basic leadership. The Schumpeterian business visionary applies data about developments to make new blends and is eventually the person who chooses if the new mixes are gainful.
Newly established development models don’t determine development and they don’t prevail with regards to bringing the populace furthermore, families into the scene. To get through the improvement trap, a numerical ideas open set is utilized. Notwithstanding gainful business visionaries, it additionally depicts the practices of those useless and damaging ones. These last ones are in charge of numerous budgetary emergencies, including the present home loan back emergency (Oulasvirta, 2014).
The hypothesis of enterprise and the monetary hypothesis of the firm in this manner have much to gain from each other. A decent hypothesis of enterprise ought to clarify the conditions under which business enterprise happens: the idea of business enterprise as judgment gives the clearest connection between business, resource possession, and monetary association. Likewise, the monetary hypothesis of the firm can be enhanced generously by considering the importance of the basic heterogeneity of capital products and the resulting requirement for entrepreneurial experimentation. Administration practices can encourage such asset recombinations. Best administration can outline a few parts of the firm in pretty much entrepreneurial ways (Poulis, Poulis & Plakoyiannaki, 2013). A structure can be produced that addresses the level of business enterprise in a firm’s administration rehearses along a few distinct measurements. A company’s administration rehearses run along a range from exceptionally entrepreneurial to exceedingly managerial. A “promoter” describes the entrepreneurial side of the range and a “trustee” describes the authoritative side. The promoter’s sole plan is to seek after and abuse openings paying little respect to assets as of now controlled, while the trustee means to proficiently utilize the assets right now controlled. Stevenson‟ ‘s unique portrayal of entrepreneurial administration comprises of six distinct measurements: Strategic Orientation, Commitment to Opportunity, and Sense of duty regarding Resources, Control of Resources, Management Structure, and Reward Philosophy (Randøy, Strøm & Mersland, 2015).
The Entrepreneur in Economic Modeling
The financial models concentrated on the Knightian thoughts of danger bearing, people are demonstrated as being heterogeneous concerning hazard avoidance ((Rosenau, 2015). Other talk accepts that people have indistinguishable capacities, yet vary in their impression of the dangers required in owning a business; excessively idealistic people move toward becoming business visionaries (Meza and Southey, 1996). Entrepreneurial aptitudes are a sort of human capital that can be procured through practices, for example, instruction. While a large portion of the general hypotheses of business enterprise from the past segments concentrate on a part of the business visionary that goes past that of entrepreneur or a contribution to the static generation work, most scientific models of business enterprise regard it precisely as this. The endogenous Growth hypothesis models underpin Schumpeterian models that the reward and affectation to developments and hazard taking in entrepreneurial exercises are beneficial.
As per McClelland, the attributes of a business visionary have two components – first getting things done in another, what’s more, a better way, and second basic leadership under vulnerability. McClelland stresses accomplishment introduction as the most essential element for business visionaries. People with high accomplishment introduction are not affected by contemplations of cash or whatever other outside motivating forces. Individuals with high accomplishment (N-Ach) are not affected by cash compensates when contrasted with individuals with low accomplishment. The last sorts are set up to work harder for cash or other outer impetuses (Stewart & Gapp, 2014). In actuality, the benefit is simply a measure of accomplishment and competency for individuals with high accomplishment requirements. David McClelland, in his book The Achieving Society, has propounded a hypothesis given his exploration that business enterprise at last relies on inspiration. It is the requirement for accomplishment (N-Ach), the feeling of doing and completing things, which advances enterprise. As indicated by him, N-Ach is a generally steady identity trademark established in encounters in center adolescence through family socialization what’s more, kids realize rehearses that push benchmarks of perfection, material warmth, independence preparation, and low father predominance. As per him, a man secures three sorts of requirements therefore of one’s life encounter (Thomas, 2015).
McClelland found that specific social orders tended to create a huge rate of individuals with high accomplishments. He brought up that people entire all social orders who have N-ach will have more elevated amounts of financial prosperity than those who don’t. McClelland’s work demonstrated that there are five noteworthy segments to the N-ach attribute: (an) obligation regarding critical thinking, (b) setting objectives, (c) achieving objectives through one’s exertion, (d) the requirement for and utilization of input, and (e) an inclination for direct levels of risk-taking.
The person with large amounts of need accomplishment is a potential business person. As per McClelland, inspiration, capacities, and suitable conditions, all join to advance business enterprise. Since entrepreneurial inspiration and capacities are for some time run sociological issues; he opined it is ideal to make political, Social, and monetary conditions friendly for the development of business enterprise in immature and creating nations (Rosenau, 2015)
Case 1: Samsung during the Korean War
While it started as only a small trading organization, Samsung Corporation developed into one of Korea’s top-end trading organizations within the short span of a year. With the foundation of Cheil Jedang (CJ) in August 1953, Lee started an assembling business. In the wake of the truce understanding marked at Panmunjeom toward the finish of the Korean War, the circumstance on the Korean Peninsula was Korea’s Economic Development what’s more, Lee’s Business Expansion Amidst a huge flood of shabby guide merchandise, there was numerous that disheartened Administrator Lee from a tremendous interest in the assembling business that would take a long time for the speculation add up to be returned. In any case, guaranteed that the country’s monetary improvement would start with the assembling of substitutes for imported products, Lee chose to make an expansive scale venture and to assemble an industrial facility with the cash he earned through his exchanging business set up in the fiery remains of the Korean War. Executive Lee’s business extension gives a guide to how the Korean economy and its modern structure were created after some time. Amid the Japanese pilgrim time frame from 1910 to 1945, it was troublesome for Korean organizations to develop under Japan’s restraining infrastructure of capital, what is, a harsh professional workplace (Oulasvirta, 2014). Also, with the Korean War in 1950, any green shoots of business exercises and mechanical offices made after the surrender of Japan in 1945 before long transformed into cinders. The Korean economy stayed in destitution until the finish of the 1950s. In 1953, the time Chairman Lee propelled his assembling business, Korea’s GNP per capita was a negligible US$67, the lowest level on the planet. Considering the financial circumstances in the 1950s, Chairman Lee particularly began sugar and material organizations, both of which could substitute imports. Director Lee strived to satisfy the corporate social obligation given the corporate mission of business commitment to the country’s financial advancement. The development of Samsung Group is established in this soul. As to the partnership’s obligation to the country’s economy, Lee expressed that Organizations make ventures with the most sensible mix of different production variables. Simultaneously, they pay the cost to the supplier of material assets to support production, wages to the supplier of work, knowhow or, on the other hand, profits to the supplier of capital, the expense to the country for giving social security and a speculation condition, and utilize the remaining net benefits into the development of product (Lavoie, 2015).
Character traits of the founder, Lee Byung-Chul as an entrepreneur
Lee Byung Chul is not just the individual essentially in charge of changing an agrarian firm into the tech giant, Samsung, additionally, in great measure, the individual behind Korea’s emergence as an economic force to reckon with. Without uncertainty, one of the essential qualities that characterize Lee Byung-Chul is his assurance to always change his firm. The last started as a horticultural combination until turning into the world’s driving maker of PC chips, level screens, and most recently era cell phones. Lee Byung-Chul is not just the individual basically in charge of changing Samsung from an agrarian firm into a hardware goliath additionally, in great measure, the individual behind South Korea’s monetary blast, a wonder in which Samsung has had a huge influence. This part is very much represented by the way that the gathering represents a fifth of all the nation’s fares. As tends to happen with very charming and persuasive individuals, Lee Byung-Chul’s name has not evaded discussion. These incorporate a long fight in court with the organization’s primary rival, Apple, epitomized by Steve Jobs’ will to battle until the very end and the sentence which discovered him blameworthy of tax avoidance however he was at long last exculpated by the Korean Government in 2010 (Lavoie, 2015). This acquit was another case of the power Lee Kun-Hee employs in his nation where, as an individual from the Olympic Committee, many feel he was in charge of Korea having been named to have the 2018 Winter Olympics. In any case, his conviction for tax avoidance wound up having a significantly higher cost, in the long run driving him to leave as President of Samsung. Since 2008 Samsung has been overseen by experts who don’t have a place with the family, however, the last mentioned has dependably been in charge. Considerably more so after Lee Jae Yong, Lee Kun-Hee’s child, was named President of Samsung Electronics Ltd last December, the gathering’s driving organization. Many trust that Lee Jae Yong’s new post mirrors his expectation to soon fill the President’s seat which is as yet empty after his dad surrendered it. Finding a pioneer in every era equipped for adjusting the firm to the circumstances is important to have the capacity to guarantee the company’s progression (Hyett, Kenny & Dickson-Swift, 2014). The Lee family has been capable of doing such in the past on account of the model they apply to structure the business gathering’s representing bodies. It fundamentally comprises of an entire harmonious relationship between the family and the organization, in which the family is included in practically consistently to-day choices. In this situation, the family is in additional esteem, giving administration ability and institutional relations at each level.
Samsung, one of the world’s biggest producers of mass customer electronics items, started with a little store in Seoul when Lee Byung-Chul made Samsung General Stores fare fish, vegetables, and organic products to Manchuria and Beijing.
Starting in 1938, Korea developed quickly with the finish of the Japanese occupation. In less than two decades, the nation’s per capita wage developed from 200 dollars to more than 10,000, making it noticeably one of the main creating nations. The establishing family took thirty years to change its organization into Samsung Gadgets in 1969, later incorporating Samsung Semiconductors in 1988 and turning into a pivotal piece of the most powerful combination in Korea (Hudson, Lyn & Maslin-Prothero, 2014). With the Asian financial emergency in 1997, notwithstanding, Samsung Group’s asset report endured drastically, with an obligation value proportion of about 4:1. The organization’s salary fell forcefully and, without outside financing, Samsung’s venture arrangements were no longer maintainable. However, as had happened in 1974 when the organization identified an open door in the semiconductor showcase, the 1997 emergency gave another vision to Samsung. Samsung sold 10 backups and, breaking with the Korean custom of giving long haul business, it expelled more than 30,000 laborers. Due to effective leadership with the help of the Samsung group, the company was able to sail through and emerge as the kingpin in the Korean market for gadgets and electronics.
Business in the Pursuit of Modernity
In the inaugural address in the 1980s, U.S. President Reagan communicated, “A certified legend is a business person who makes an open door for new work and riches with his confidence.”
Lee Byung Chul was such a sort of business person. He had his firm conviction as a proprietor. On account of that conviction, the prevailing in business administration.
1) Competent employees and workforce in the organization is an open hireling.
2) An organization implies individuals.
3) An open enlistment framework was presented and executed without precedent for Korea.
4) Once procured, abandon it to the worker. Rationalism may be steady with fundamentalism in that it is centered on esteem and a judicious controlling standard in administration. At the end of the day, realism is a theory of activity, in light of regard for reason. Hence, a pragmatist guideline is required to lead hierarchical individuals into a useful guideline and enable them to play out their obligations proficiently. Lee rehearsed it himself and turned it into a case of rationalism. Lee imagined that an organization must assume the first position not to bomb in administration. His entrepreneurial spirit too shows up in giving an organization its exchanging name. As appeared in CheilJedang or Cheil Industries, he wanted to be first altogether and attempted to acknowledge it. “Samsung” and “JoongAng” named by him additionally infer “best,” top-notch.
Lee had his particular perspective on the relations between work and administration: When an organization steps up and gives great welfare to workers with great aims and at the point when workers hence do their best under their conviction that they are the proprietor of the organization, work, and administration can exist together (Hudson, Lyn & Maslin-Prothero, 2014). His view ended up being successful. At the end of the day, he trusted that when the organization ensures its representatives the best treatment and working conditions in the business and when the representatives do everything they can do under their collective conviction, the administration framework will be built up, which does not require a worker’s union for its effective and welfare based operation.
Case 2
Chairman Lee announced the dispatch of “New Management” in Frankfurt in 1993. Since that point, Samsung has changed itself from a fair producer in light of minimal effort points of interest to a world-class entertainer with solid brand esteem and premium items.
Lee coordinated to change Samsung into a driving worldwide organization in the twenty-first century. The Samsung story is one of the immense business accomplishments of the most recent 20 years and in the 21st century. Various commands of Samsung’s New Management Program were made that had noteworthy affected Samsung’s staff administration framework, to be specific new administration requests, new mindfulness, and net human resources(HR) standards. Samsung announced “Open HR” to get ready for an “Open Era” The organization nullified separation in light of scholarly foundation and sexual orientation for HR which boosts the potential abilities of their workers. This review means to dissect Samsung gadgets organization’s vital administration framework through the esteem chain model. The esteem chain model was proposed, and what’s more, promoted by Michael Porter in his 1985 smash hit book, Competitive Advantage: Making and Sustaining Superior Performance. He exhibited the esteem chain examination as a model for the ID and estimation of those exercises involving an association’s esteem chain. Inside the esteem chain, there are two particular arrangements of exercises that a firm attempts. The principal set of exercises is considered to be essential exercises, as they are straightforwardly identified with the items or administrations that a firm pitches to a client.
Case 3
Employees hold a feeling of emergency while going admirably and assault when an emergency happens. Samsung’s quality-construct administration centers concerning innovation assets which is driving drive for defining the best corporate quality. Including quality-based administration is particularly connected with two noteworthy empowering influences that are called humans and innovation. Humans are the drivers of 4 sorts of capacities that add to define quick and auspicious administration. Lee Kun-Hee first made a mark in August 1996 when he was named as an individual by the Universal Olympic Committee. He pointed out that Samsung’s image picture which has stayed at low level brand, ought to be moved up to at any rate high caliber mark. Most importantly, steady quality is the beginning stage of a solid brand. Configuration ought to mirror the rationality and culture of an organization. New trademarks like “change starts with me”, “begin with the simple assignments”, and “begin evolving now”, from the top were made and shared to agree to major development. A sound feeling of emergency was made inside speeding the picture of a productive and standard entered mark by presenting 7-4 work hours and the line-stop framework. Past unacceptable models were formally signed before workers by Samsung (King & Learmonth, 2015). The entry achievement considered mark administration of Samsung is executive Lee’s solid will and direction. A quick change in quality and configuration is the establishment of fruitful brand building. Lee persuaded all workers in all bureaus of the essentialness of brand-building endeavors and urged them to disguise the guarantees of Samsung’s image and attempt endeavors to satisfy those guarantees. Samsung has developed into a market-driven organization by persistently promoting speculation and drawing in outside abilities. Worldwide Color TV Market Shares Opportune brand-building endeavors are matching with the development of the advanced period. The rise of the advanced cell phone advertise and the level screen TV showcase furnished Samsung Electronics with the chance to contend with market pioneers like Apple and Sony on equivalent terms. The development of PDAs gave Samsung another open door. Samsung outperformed Nokia and developed as one of the world’s two biggest advanced mobile phone creators alongside Apple telephones giving an appealing brand-building opportunity (Lavoie, 2015).
As seen from the above report the entrepreneurial skills and temperament of the founder of the Samsung group were noteworthy in terms of team building, management of basic employee issues, and workforce. The understanding of the various theories regarding entrepreneurship plays a vital role in gaining a holistic insight into the current working of the technology behemoth and also gives ample insight into the future of the endeavor
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