Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy
April 10, 2018Total Quality Management
April 11, 2018Kingston University London
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing.
School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry.
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Sciences.
Assessment brief and marking guidance.
Module: LS5012 Research Methods in Sport and Exercise.
Title of Assignment: Quantitative Research Proposal.
Module weighting: 50% of module.
Submission details: A word document double line spaced, text justified and font size 12 Arial following this document guidance submitted to Canvas.
Module Learning Outcomes assessed in this piece of coursework.
- Formulate an original research question with a sound rationale based on the evaluation of relevant peer-reviewed literature.
- Construct a viable research proposal that utilises an appropriate research design with due consideration for ethics.
- Reflect on their personal and academic skills, demonstrating an awareness of the Kingston Graduate attributes and skills needed to achieve their career aspirations.
- Demonstrate the key skills of creative thinking, problem solving, communication (read, select, extract and collate information; produce a written report incorporating tables, charts, graphs and diagrams), numeric (collection of data; design recording formats; perform basic calculations), ICT (presentation of data; production of written report, search for and retrieve and store information), and independent learning.
Assignment Brief with assessment criteria.
This coursework is an individual proposal (50% of module) to be submitted by the 22/04/2018 23:59hrs via Canvas.
You are to develop a research proposal that must not exceed 2500 words. The research proposed should be original and attempt to add something new to the body of research already published in an area of your interest. The purpose of this assignment is for you to recognise and develop the skills required to set up an independent research study at level 6; there is no pressure for you to produce a final project topic at this stage.
A good proposal can be read by anyone!
NB: You cannot propose the same or similar topic to something you are already investigating in other modules. The proposal is entirely independent and no two students will have the same idea.
The Proposal
The proposal should be double line spaced, text justified and font size 12 Arial and clearly sectioned as follows (with approximate word count):
A clear and concise title (hint: do not pose your title as a question, make it a statement of less than 12 words)
Literature review and Rationale (~1000 Words)
This will contain your literature review generating a clear and logical progression towards your statement of the problem (hint – this will require numerous research articles). This section will end with a clear aim for the research (e.g. Therefore, the purpose of this experiment is to ……)
Theoretical Framework (~250 Words)
Comprises the Research Question, Hypotheses: Alternative H1 and Null H0 (state them in the present tense), operational definitions, assumptions, limitations and delimitations to your experiment.
Methodology (~500 Words)
The emphasis is to write it so any reader can understand and replicate your research procedures exactly. The following provides guidance for experimental or meta-analysis proposals (You will most probably propose an experimental design).
Experimental Methods:
For an experimental method, this should be written using clear sub-sections. Participants: Who, why and how you are recruiting, proposed number, sampling strategy, the use of any inclusion or exclusion criteria, written consent, PAR_Q, exclusion criteria (if required): Outlining how your study does or does not meet the Sport and Exercise Sciences Ethics block approval related to human participants.
Instruments & Procedures: Describe the proposed instruments and experimental procedures in complete detail; include an estimate of required resources with proposed cost, realistic planned timescale model (appendix) including dates for recruitment, testing and analysis with a proposed deadline of early April 2019.
For those wishing to pursue a meta-analysis this should be written using clear sub-sections. Study selections, inclusion/exclusion criteria, classifying variables. This should describe in detail the methods used, and the strategies implemented to maximise trustworthiness of the data, including justification for inclusion and exclusion of research papers. Include an estimate of literature resource cost, realistic planned timescale model (appendix) including dates for recruitment, testing and analysis with a proposed deadline of early April 2019.
Design (~150 Words)
The following provides guidance for experimental or meta-analysis proposals.
Experimental Methods:
This section comprises a statement of the type of design: (cross over, matched pairs, questionnaire, lab based, field based) and state why the chosen design is appropriate, identify your IV and DV. Discuss how you plan to address threats to validity – types of validity are defined-explained, addressed and controlled. Threats to reliability – types of reliability are defined-explained, addressed and controlled.
For those wishing to pursue a meta-analysis, this section comprises a statement of the choice of effect size calculation for ∆ES and any subsequent aspects related to the design of the experiment. It will state why the chosen design is appropriate and identify IV and DV. Discuss how you plan to address threats to validity – types of validity are defined-explained, addressed and controlled. Threats to reliability – types of reliability are defined-explained, addressed and controlled.
Statistical Analysis (~100 Words)
Provide a rationale for the choice of descriptive and inferential statistical test. Parametric or non-parametric assumptions.
Impact of your research (~500 Words)
This comprises two sections:
- Consider the importance of your research project and how it will further the general knowledge in the field you are studying what would your findings mean to that population, athlete benefits or industry use.
- Outline your career aspirations and include how the project will enhance your key and transferable skills and ultimately your employability (check out your programme specifications for your course to aid you in your discussion on what key and transferable skills are an ultimately how developing these will enhance your career opportunities).
Place your proposed Informed Consent form (Ethics application if outside the block approval), Planned Time Scale Model and any other documents necessary for the proposed study but not pertinent to the main body of the document.
Most sections of this assignment are comprehensively covered by Thomas, Nelson and Silverman (2015) Research Methods in Physical Activity.
Assessment Criteria | Max Mark
Feedback Comments | |
It is expected that for this assignment the student will analyse and evaluate information from a variety of journal and textbook sources to demonstrate understanding and to aid critical review. | |||
Lit review & rationale | 35 | Feedback Comments will be provided on Canvas. | |
Theoretical Framework | 5 | Feedback Comments will be provided on Canvas. | |
Methodology: Participants, instruments and procedures, ethics | 20 | Feedback Comments will be provided on Canvas. | |
Experimental Design including threats to Validity & Reliability | 10 | Feedback Comments will be provided on Canvas. | |
Statistical Analysis | 10 | Feedback Comments will be provided on Canvas. | |
Impact of the Research (as well as key and transferable skills) | 20 | Feedback Comments will be provided on Canvas. | |
100% |