Research Theory
August 29, 2017BSBWOR502B – Ensure team effectiveness
August 30, 2017MGT8054 – Assessment 3: Reflective Journal Entry
Value: Marked out of 100 and worth 30%
Length: 1,500 words (or equivalent) +/- 10%
Submission method: Course StudyDesk assessment submission area
Reflective practice forms the basis for all professional work. To become effective as a professional, an individual should develop a reflective stance so that they can learn from their experience. Therefore, developing a reflective capacity amongst learners is an integral theme within this course.
This assessment item focuses on your ability to engage in reflective practice. The purpose of this assessment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect and comment on:
- the process of learning as it evolved for you throughout this course.
- gaps in leadership theory and practice that you identified in this course
- more generally, the contribution that your engagement with your studies has made to your professional understanding and skills development.
A reflective journal is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and learnings that you articulate on paper. These thoughts can consist of a few lines, a paragraph or more up to two pages long supported by references. There may be a part of the course that you find more interesting and challenging than another so this aspect may warrant you writing a much larger reflection.
You should use references in such a way that they inform and explain your reflective journal. Please note that the journal is not simply a collection of your thoughts. Rather, it is a collection of thoughts and ideas gleaned from the course backed up by relevant theory.
Your 1,500 word reflective journal entry will be in the format of a Word document and the audience for this journal is your USQ course examiner. In the reflective piece, you need to identify and discuss the two following key areas for reflection:
- Your reflections as a leader practitioner: Express the leadership insights that you learned as a result of the project you submitted for this course. In the light of what you learned, how might you change and adapt your leadership style in the light of the research articles collected and the presentation of the PowerPoints? What are the specific contexts/situations you might now be more aware of in the future? How would this help you going forward?
- Reflection on the relationship between the theories learned in the other courses in your program that might relate to leadership: You would have covered many theoretical and practical aspects of business and innovation in your program, but many of these aspects have a synergy with the leadership activities that occur in organisations. We ask you to now think broadly across the content you have studied in your program and synthesise your reflections about how you might change and adapt your leadership style in light of the content and theories covered in other courses in your program of study, and how would this help you going forward. Again, make sure you reference any theories discussed using Harvard referencing protocols, link to referencing guidelines here:
The final product you submit is your reflective journal presented in a Word document. Use Harvard AGPS referencing protocols. The layout and structure of your reflective journal is flexible, but it must maintain a professional appearance, contain sound English expression, and any images or diagrams that are included must be professional. Remember to use professional language and that your reflective journal entry should reflect your own experiences, reflections, and evaluations based on evidence.
Assessment 3: Reflective Journal Entry
Criterion |
Mark /100 |
· Reflection as a leader practitioner based on your understandings from this course: | 35 |
· Reflection on the relationship between theories learned in your program and practices you have observed in life experiences: | 35 |
· Journal entry reflects a professional appearance, sound English expression, and Harvard referencing protocols. | 30 |
Total | 100 | also provides best assignment help on ICT in Business, Integrated Business Challenge, and Marketing Plan assignments.