FY005 Preparing for a Professional Career
June 7, 2023
Trust in Talent Management Samples
June 7, 2023Assignment No. and type: Coursework (1500 words)
Assignment Task:
This assignment requires you to assess ethical business issues and challenges within the global business environment linking to corporate social responsibility and professionalism, and to reflect on your learning from the module and produce a CPD plan.
Task requirements:
Part 1. Report (1,000 words)
A detailed report that examines a contemporary ethical issue within the global business environment and assess the likely impact of implementing a code of conduct and support from Governing Bodies (LO1, LO2 and LO3).
Part 2. Reflective Statement & CPD Plan (500 Words)
Attached as an appendix to the report, a reflective continuous development plan that identifies learning from the module and how it will be implemented to aid in your studies and future career (LO4).
Part 1. Report (1000 Words)
Use that part of the guide as a checklist for your assignment. Put a tick in the box when you complete/cover the expectations.
- Front cover
Cover page should include student name and ID number, module name, tutor name, campus, and academic year.
- Contents page
Ensure all headings on this match the headings you have given in the sections of your report and that the page numbers are accurate. You must insert page numbers into your word document.
You can create content page automatically in word document. On the toolbar ribbon, select References. Near the left end, select Insert Table of Contents.
- Introduction (approximately 100 words)
In the introduction you should:
- establish the context, background and/or importance of the topic
- identify the problem
- inform the reader about what they will find in the main body of the report and state the aim of your work
- Write from generic to specific
- Introduce and define the chosen issue (200 words paragraph 1)
- Choose one issue from the list of global ethical issues (see Assignment Brief) and focus on the selected issue in the entire report.
- Define the selected issue and ensure to include citations as support in this section
- Use your research to highlight what companies are doing to support the positive elements of the issue, and what alternative companies are doing to add to the issue (e.g., negative elements).
- In this part, ensure that you have presented two companies that can be used as examples of positive and negative cases. You should demonstrate that you can recognize and define the chosen issue in real life cases and provide information how and why these companies are reacting positively or negatively to the chosen issue.
- Explain the code of conduct that assists in resolving/addressing the issue (200 words Paragraph 2)
- Use the code of conduct for the company(ies) that you have already written about in paragraph 1.
- This is key to show a coherent piece of work. Explain what the code of conduct states, together with knowledge from the lectures on business departments, and how employee actions or professionalism link to the global ethical issue you have chosen.
- Use citations from codes of conduct that help explain what employers and employees are required to do to remain ethical and professional with regards to the chosen ethical issue in your report.
- Use research to support your explanation(s) of why the code of conduct is effective in addressing the ethical issue.
- Discuss the support and guidance available from the relevant Professional Bodies/Organisations (200 words Paragraph 3)
Use one or two examples of professional bodies (related to the chosen issue) that can support companies with the ethical issue that your report is based on.
- Name the professional body and what they do including why they are the most useful organisation to aid with the ethical issue.
- Discuss the support and advice they offer with citation.
- Explain how companies benefit from working with the professional body – use research for this too.
- Assessment of the likely impact both the support and codes of conduct could have on the issue (200 words Paragraph 4)
- This paragraph needs to assess the positive outcomes when codes of conduct and the professional body information are implemented well within a company. It also needs to explain what the consequences are when a code of conduct and the professional body advice are ignored.
- Split the paragraph into two equal parts – positive and negative assessment.
- Use citations from research to identify the positive and negative assessment – do not just make your own assumptions, you need to ‘prove’ your claims through research.
- Conclusion (100 words)
Summarise the report by citing (with the aid of research) whether the ethical issue you have chosen is having a reduced negative impact or if the situation still needs to see improvements within companies, codes of conduct and individual employee behaviour.
- References (not included in the word count)
Ensure that you have added all the sources that you have cited in your report, formatted in the Harvard Referencing Style. Use the UoS Harvard Reference Guide to check the accuracy of style and the consistency.
Part 2. Reflective Statement & CPD Plan (500 words):
Please only use the CPD plan template that is included in your assignment brief.
- Reflective Writing:
Write a reflective statement of your personal development from the skills and experience you have gained (200 words max). You should include:
- Description of the experience
- Feelings and thoughts about the experience
- Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad
- Analysis to make sense of the situation
- Conclusion about what you learned and what you could have done differently
- Action plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future, or general changes you might find appropriate
In this section, you should describe in detail your knowledge prior to the module and what you have learnt from the module e.g. ‘prior to attending the module I had an awareness of what a code of conduct was through my workplace, however I did not fully realise what the purpose was and how it is used by organisations to address business and global ethics.’
Please remember to add how you will benefit from your learnings in your future academic/ working life.
- Continuous Professional Development