Principles of Marketing
February 13, 2024
February 14, 2024Title Essay
Exam Length or Word length 2,000 word
Summary Essay assessing learning outcomes 1-5
Write a 2000 Word Essay by Choosing ONE of the following Questions
1. Discuss how one’s Social Position in Society is a key Determinant of Health.
2. Explain Men and Women’s Health Differences in Health, illness and Mortality.
3. Ethnicity and Health: Outline the Inequalities in Health and give explanations for understanding the relationship.
4. How do we Define Health? And what are the theoretical underpinnings of different interpretations of Health and Illness?
GUIDE TO TASK 1: Discuss how one’s Social Position in Society is a key Determinant of Health.
- Introduction/Background (Define key words: Social Position, Key determinants of health from various perspectives-sources)
- Explain in detail How one’ Social Position in Society is a Key Determinant of Health
- Critical Analysis: (use at least one relevant models/theories. For example (Biomedical, Social, or Holistic Model of health) on key determinants of health on individuals’ health and well-being in the society.
- Evaluate/examines various intervention strategies for improvement of one's social position in the Health and Social care settings/environments.
- Conclusion and Recommendations (Summarise the main issues discussed and recommend why the theory or theories chosen is or are better suited for this health and social care issue. And make recommendations of how this issue should be addressed)
- References (Of course you must include ALL sources within the text or intext citations in the reference list in line with the Uosil Harvard Referencing style requirements)
GUIDE TO TASK 2: Explain Men and Women’s Health Differences in Health, illness and Mortality.
- Introduction/Background (Define key words: Men, Women, or Sex, Gender, Health, Illness and Mortality from various perspectives-sources. Discuss how different groups within any culture may define masculinity and femininity according to subcultural definitions)
- Explain in detail (How Men and Women’s Health are Different in a particular country, e.g UK, USA, or your own Country of origin. Use statistical data to show the extent of Mortality, Life expectancy, Gender gap between men and women and the leading causes of death between men and women and the social issue of gender and/, or statistical data of the various illnesses particularly common for either males or females etc.
- Critical Analysis: (use at least one or two relevant theories in the discussion. For example (Biomedical model, Social model, Holistic, Bio-psychosocial, Feminist theory, or any other relevant theory etc) on the health and well-being of the individuals’ sex or gender or illness diseases discussed.
- Evaluate/examines various intervention strategies for improvement of Men and Women’s Health Differences in terms of life expectancy, Health, illness and or Mortality in the Health and Social care settings/environments or chosen country.
- Conclusion and Recommendations (Summarise the main issues discussed and recommend why the theory or theories chosen is or are better suited for this health and social care issue. And make recommendations of how this issue should be addressed)
- References (Of course you must include ALL sources within the text or intext citations in the reference list in line with the Uosil Harvard Referencing style requirements)
GUIDE TO TASK 3: Ethnicity and Health: Outline the Inequalities in Health and give explanations for understanding the relationship
- Introduction/Background (Define key words: Ethnicity, Health, Inequalities in health, poverty, social exclusion from various perspectives-sources).
- Explain in detail (the causes of social exclusion and how Health varies within places of your chosen. Examples include: Global differences; Regional differences; Intra-urban difference in a particular country, e.g UK, England, USA, or your own Country of origin. Use statistical data to show the extent of the health and social care issue from various perspectives). You can explain further The Determinants of Health in many places to include: the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person’s individual characteristics and behaviours
- Critical Analysis: (use at least one or two relevant theories in the discussion. For example (Karl Marx Conflict theory, behavioural, material, psychosocial, and life course or any other relevant theory etc) on the health and well-being of the ethnic groups of individuals in your chosen country discussed.
- Evaluate (positives aspects of health and place to include (Feelings of safety, Street & urban design, Effective public transport etc and the negative aspects of health to include: Feeling unsafe, High volumes of traffic, Poor air & noise quality, Lack of public transport links etc from various perspectives. And include intervention strategies for improvement of health inequalities among ethnic groups in the Health and Social care settings/environments or your chosen country.
- Conclusion and Recommendations (Summarise the main issues discussed and recommend why the theory or theories chosen is or are better suited for this health and social care issue. And make recommendations of how this issue should be addressed)
- References (Of course you must include ALL sources within the text or intext citations in the reference list in line with the Uosil Harvard Referencing style requirements)
GUIDE TO TASK 4: How do we Define Health? And what are the theoretical underpinnings of different interpretations of Health and Illness?
- Introduction/Background (Define key words: Health and Illness from various perspectives-sources. And give example(s) of a particular health issue for the discussion for example: Mental health, Obesity, Cancer etc).
- Explain in detail (the differences between health, disease and illness in a particular country, e.g UK, England, USA, or your own Country of origin. And use statistical data to show the extent of the chosen health, disease and illness issues (Mental health, Obesity, Cancer etc from various perspectives). Now, explain theoretical underpinnings of different interpretations of Health and Illness?
- Critical Analysis: (use at least one or two relevant theories in the discussion. For example (Health Belief Model or Michigan Model for health or any other relevant theory) on the health and well-being of individuals in your chosen country.
- Evaluate (pros and cons of the health issue in various perspectives to include intervention strategies for health issue among individuals in Health and Social care settings/environments or your chosen country.
- Conclusion and Recommendations (Summarise the main issues discussed and recommend why the theory or theories chosen is or are better suited for this health and social care issue. And make recommendations of how this health issue should be addressed)
- References (Of course you must include ALL sources within the text or intext citations in the reference list in line with the Uosil Harvard Referencing style requirements)