BSBWRK510 Manage Employee Relations – Assessment Task 2
August 29, 2017Professional Project
August 29, 2017BSBWRK510 Manage Employee Relations – Assessment Task 3
Manage grievance and conflict situations
Submission details
Candidate’s name |
Phone no. |
Assessor’s name |
Phone no. |
Assessment site |
Assessment date/s |
Time/s |
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
For this assessment task, you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop a grievance policy and procedure and implement strategies to achieve successful outcomes in grievance situations.
Assessment description
For assessment in this unit, you will complete a series of tasks based on the role of Human Resources Manager at Safety Traffic Co.
Draft proposal
Email to stakeholders
Assessment Task 1
Implementation and contingency plan
Training implementation plan
Assessment Task 2
Grievance policy and procedure
Assessment Task 3
Monitoring and review plan
Advocacy role‑play
In Part A of this task, you will use the scenario and simulated business information to develop a grievance policy and procedure and a strategy for reporting and managing conflicts and disputes.
In Part B of this task, you will apply employee relations policies and plans in providing guidance in a report to the Operations Manager on how to resolve a workplace grievance and go about implementing a new collective agreement.
In Part C of this task, you will take the role of the Operations Manager (acting on the advice of the report in Part B) in an advocacy role-play with the HR Manager and the employee.
Part A
1. Develop a grievance policy and procedure for Safety Traffic Co. Use the policy and procedure layout provided in Appendix 1 as a guide for the format. The grievance policy and procedure should include the following information:
a. Safety Traffic Co. expectations and standards for grievances and disputes.
b. A formal procedure describing how staff may lodge a grievance and have their matter handled, including internal and external escalation procedures.
c. A formal procedure for the manager, describing:
i. suitable responses to the initial dispute
ii. how to check documentation and other sources to clarify issues
iii. possible assistance and advice from internal and external sources
iv. negotiation strategy options
v. options for representation of the organisation’s position
vi. documenting and certifying agreed outcomes
vii. implementation of agreements
viii. monitoring and review of agreed actions
ix. follow-up actions to manage possible breaches.
2. Submit all documentation to your assessor as per the specifications below. Please keep copies for your records.
Part B
1. Review the Safety Traffic Co. scenario describing a grievance situation (Appendix 2).
2. Develop a formal written report to the Operations Manager describing how the grievance must be managed in accordance with the organisation’s policy and procedure and how a new collective agreement will be negotiated and implemented.
The report must identify the following information:
a. the source of the dispute
b. relevant legislation and principles that apply to the case
c. key parties involved in the dispute
d. actions required to avoid potential industrial action
e. valid information sources that serve to clarify issues with complainants
f. additional sources of support and advice, including employer associations and the Fair Work Commission.
In addition to the above information, you must describe how you would go about:
a. negotiating new working conditions with key parties to resolve the dispute using a formal collective agreement
b. advocating the organisation’s position in negotiations with employees to obtain a new collective agreement that is fair for the employer and employees
c. documenting and certifying agreements with the relevant authority
d. implementing the new collective agreement
e. determining adherence to agreed actions and addressing any non‑compliance.
2. Submit all documentation to your assessor as per the specifications below. Please keep copies for your records.
Part C
1. Read the role-play scenario information in Appendix 3.
2. Plan to lead a role-played advocacy session as the Operations Manager with the HR Manager and Employee in response to the scenario. Your assessor may act alternately as HR Manager or Employee, or assign others to play the roles.
3. Arrange time and place with your assessor to perform your role-play.
4. Perform your role-play in accordance with the specifications set out below, ensuring you demonstrate advocacy, raise questions, use active listening techniques in oral communication, and collaborate with others.
You must:
● submit a grievance policy and procedure
● submit a formal written report addressed to the Operations Manager detailing the grievance
● participate in an advocacy session role-play.
Your assessor will be looking for:
● skills to develop and follow a grievance policy and grievance handling procedures
● communication skills to advocate, consult, negotiate and mediate conflict
● demonstration of innovation and problem-solving skills to manage and resolve grievances and disputes
● demonstration of planning and time management skills to meet critical deadlines, sequence tasks, prepare submissions and present cases
● knowledge of enterprise and workplace bargaining processes
● knowledge of key entities in the Australian industrial relations system, including:
○ courts and tribunals
○ trade unions
○ employer bodies
● knowledge of relevant federal, state and territory legislation, such as work health and safety, equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination law.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
● No changes to the assessment procedure or specification are required.
● The role-play may be conducted via video or teleconferencing.
● Documentation may be submitted electronically.
● A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor). also provides best assignment help on BSBWRK510 Manage Employee Relations – Assessment 1, BSBWRK510 Manage Employee Relations – Assessment Task 2, and AHCBUS501 – Manage Staff assignments.