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February 15, 2022Myer Retail Company
February 15, 2022The essay mainly brings in a critical analysis of the given article and based on it several important points and concepts are brought into the context. The thesis statement “Motivation is the first order of importance regarding the factors which reveal known or unknown talents and hidden powers” leads to the main discussion in the essay and also opens up several new ideas and knowledge based on this. However, this very statement serves as the preface to the critical analysis and also the presentation of the important points and ideas that would be deduced from the article.
The article which is about the Cerkezkoy Organized Industrial Site points to the fact how motivation can be a guiding point in shaping an organization and also in shaping the outcome of an organization and thereby can be related to the selected thesis statement in this prospect. Efficiency is also associated with it that includes a wide range of ideas and concepts since it is based on various factors (Nie et al. 2015). However, the article also presents how the managers play an effective role in this prospect and work or act as the external force for the very term of “motivation” since it is based on the inspiration of the managers or the immediate boss that the employees bring in efficiency in their work. The thesis statement goes aptly with the article that defines motivation in many ways and also presents many new defining ways of viewing it or looking into it (Nie et al. 2015). The article has some of the strong points that support or totally back the this statement and those very points mainly includes the connection of raw materials with output, the connection of existing problems with that of the output and also the connection of factors and their utilization. All these come to the point of efficiency and as per Nie, all these factors can not dwell without the prospect of efficiency and all the above mentioned critical points or concepts. The strengths here include how the several illustrations have been presented here those points to the fact that motivation does lead us to or an organization to success in a positive or in a negative way. Other than this the relation of motivation and that of outcomes or outputs, results, growth and improvement can also be taken into account here that also supports the thesis statement fully (Nie et al. 2015). The weakness here mainly includes the fact that not the entire process of motivating the employees or the formation of motivation has been explained or has been referred to here that can thereby directly support the thesis statement.
EEPP4022 Events And Entertainment Planning And Project Management
It is from the analysis or the reading of the case study that shows how efficiency brings about success and that leads to motivations as well and it is true for all the aspects of work. It also cites how important efficiency is in terms of converting any raw material into its final outcome. It also narrates the fact that employees are the true or the main asset of an organization and how the employees can be motivated or can be regulated to give or to provide their best (Mathew et al. 2014). Other than this it can also be said that how inter-business factors and the extra business factors affect efficiency and how both these factors together form the main base of result or outcome in this context. The inter-business factors like raw materials, practices, management approaches and so on the shape the work of the employees and similarly the extra business factors like business strategy, technology, market and so on shape the productivity or the efficiency of the employees. Thereby it can be critically assessed from this point of view that motivation can directly shape success in a positive or in a negative way. The growth of an organization or an enterprise is based on factors like job enrichment, work-study, business enlargement and so on (Mathew et al. 2014). However, all these factors are associated with some of the important points like structuring of work, analysis of work pattern, understanding of the work environment, understanding of the business need, efficiency, inspiration and so on and thereby it can be said that how all these together brings efficiency and that efficiency finally leads to the success of an enterprise or an organization.
It is very obvious to agree with the thesis statement since the whole analysis of the article vividly shows how with the prospect of efficiency good result or success can be achieved and it also points to the fact that how motivation has been related to several other factors like micro business factors, macro business factors and also the impact of motivation technique on it (Mathew et al. 2014). This thesis statement completely presents the very base of the whole scenario and also presents the whole or the entire prospect of how motivation comes first in the order and how it gives birth to talents and unknown avenues or new ventures. As per the analysis of the article, it can be said that motivation plays a vital key in inspiring an individual or in leading someone for some good so that there can be some prospect of a good or better outcome from it. The agreement with the thesis statement is mainly presented on the basis of the analysis and the study of the article (Mathew et al. 2014). However, the wage earners need a lot of motivation since they are not any permanent employees and thereby they need to be reminded that they are valuable for the organization and then will deliver their best possible result or effort that will help in the success pattern or structure of the enterprise. Some of the theories like “Vroom’s expectancy theory”, “McClelland’s need theory” and some others also points to the prospect that how the requirement of recognition and acceptance is important here so that efficiency can be always there and that can also lead to the final outcome.
In this prospect, some of the key points like business growth and development, reasons of low efficiency in enterprise and methodologies for increasing efficiency are also some of the points here that can be taken into account for the purpose of supporting the key thesis statement since all these points directly support the key statements and also states about the importance of “motivation” in every prospect (Liao et al. 2014). Business development and growth that is based on several internal and external factors are again based or connected with one main factor which is efficiency or productivity (Liao et al. 2014). The other point here like reasons of low motivation also points to the fact that low efficiency can be the reason here behind the prospect of negative success structure or shape. The methodologies to improve motivation also points to or support the thesis statement that as long as efficiency is there success is also there or is prevalent there.
As per the journal of Elliot it can be evidently said that motivation is all about fruitful productivity and that it has a direct connection with positive success or the growth of success rate. However, the journal article also points out that efficiency is not something easily available rather it is something that has been made through efficiency and hard work which aptly goes with the thesis statement and also the prospect of this article (Elliot et al. 2017). The journal article by Nuttin says that motivation if not used in the right direction can lead to negative outcomes and would not give rise to any form of talents or strengths for an organization. However “motivation” also needs a proper system or a proper framework to maintain it and to keep regulation on it. Thereby it can be said that this academic fully supports the thesis statement or prospect (Nuttin 2014). The article by Vandenabeele and Coursey is all about the developmental stage of motivation and it is also related to the fact that how several connections with motivation are formed and are then developed for its outcome (Vandenabeele and Coursey 2015).
The concept of motivation that has been presented in class also dwells mainly on these points and provides a critical appreciation of all the factors like hard work, leadership, external factors, internal factors and so on to that all helps in increasing efficiency and that finally leads to some positive outcome (Liao et al. 2014). The subject of the article that is all about motivation and also efficiency forms the main base here and also presents many new ideas that are apt for this case study or this article. The class concepts of efficiency and also motivation has many factors like working structure, the role of managers, the role of management and so on and the same is also there in this article which makes its critical apperception all the easier.
The essay thereby shows how motivation is one of the important factors in shaping the success and what are the necessary factors behind it. The fact that motivation of productivity is related to success is true since it is through efficiency that an organization or an enterprise can gain success or visibility. This very critical analysis essay has been presented in several paragraphs each of which points to some of the important facts related to this statement.
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