Conflict management in a team
February 4, 2022Analysis of the Article
February 4, 20221. Empathy and identifying the problem
1.1 Identifying the needs of the users as well as the main problem
Several needs of the users have been identified in this study including the challenges. As influenced by the ideas of De Bel-Air (2017), the main problem that has been discussed here is that most immigrants will lie or provide false information. The other major problem is that immigrants are basically unwilling to do any sort of paperwork. Accordingly, unwillingness is found in the immigrants while doing legal formalities. Besides this, another major problem is that the majority of the immigrants have basically created self- unemployment. However, the basic needs of the users are to mitigate this major problem and challenge. Apart from this, an arrangement of a greater number of job vacancies for immigrants who are basically coming to the UAE in search of Job vacancies will also imply the needs of the immigrants. Accordingly, raising awareness regarding the consequences of the crime of immigrants is considered to be another necessary aspect.
1.2 Identifying the main challenge
In accordance with the ideas of Spina (2018), there are several challenges that might have been raised such as challenges associated with wrong information, unavailability of the appropriate documents as well as misconduct. In addition to facing all these challenges, threats from various criminals might have been faced in this context. Besides this, challenges are also faced by information gatherers while finding the fraudulent sources behind the crime of these violators, who further violate the residency and work law of the UAE.
2. Ideation
2.1 Identifying the insights that could inspire an innovative solution
There are several ways found by which innovative and accurate solutions can be found. As opined by Abaker, Al-Titi & Al-Nasr (2019), an awareness campaign regarding the various rules as well as regulations of UAE might have been effective in this context. This awareness campaign may create awareness among the violators, who are violating the work legislations as well as residency rules. Furthermore, creating or making posters displaying the statistics of banned personnel to date might imply the other innovative solutions in this particular scenario. Apart from this, by arranging an effective orator, delineating various rules in different ways might be another innovative solution, which could inspire violators and cease them to breach the rules as well as regulations.
2.2 Identifying the constraints and challenges that could face the ideas
There are several challenges or constraints that might have been faced while implementing these ideas. For instance, an awareness campaign also requires support from the Government of the concerned nation. If the concerned Government is not giving 100%, the awareness campaign might not be that fruitful. Accordingly, the lack of proper experts such as appropriate orators or other security personnel might be the other biggest constraint of this idea (Al-Awlaqi, Al- Hada & al-Shawthabi, 2019). Furthermore, lack of interest and awareness among the expatriate workers as well as other immigrants might be considered as one of the potential challenges that could be faced by these innovative ideas.
Research claims that sometimes criminals or violators are basically ready to provide fake
documents. Furthermore, morality sessions also sometimes fail to accomplish the goal. All
these aspects further imply other constraints or barriers to these innovative ideas.
2.3. Interviews
2.3.1 Descriptions of the interviewees or the users
In order to conduct this study in an appropriate manner, the study further provided the interview responses of one of the violators. Analysing the responses, it has been found that the interviewee has basically come to UAE in search of a job. As one of the friends has told the interviewee that there are lots of job opportunities in the UAE. Furthermore, the interviewee further claimed that the person has continued to live in absolutely various ways. As someone has promised his or her to provide both salary and housing facility without the need of any kind of residence visa within the nation. It has also been found from the descriptions of the interviewee that as the person is violating the residency laws of UAE, he or she was basically deprived of some crucial services. For instance, the person had been deprived of health insurance, apartment rentals as well as car registration, besides being subjected to fines due to the expiration of the stay (Sevilla, 2016).
2.3.2 The most important findings according to the interviews
However, the interview session has helped to determine several aspects. For instance, it has been found that by being arrested by the police, the interviewee or the violator has no issues. As, according to the interviewee, the person has collected enough money and sent it to his or her own nation as well as secured him or herself. Furthermore, another important aspect, which has been found from this interview, is that the interviewee has been staying in this nation for 3 years. Besides this, the person might have no regret to earning illegal money since it gives the person’s family a decent life ( (Sevilla, 2016).
3. Prototype
Point of views New and innovative ideas
Effective communication with the UAE authority
Effectiveness of various awareness campaigns
Fund generation for new job opportunities for immigrants
Providing a particular quota system for various immigrants
4. Testing a point of View
In the context of this, generating innovative ideas might lead to more accurate solutions. Direct interrogations with the UAE government officials as well as security officers at the local level might help the interviewee to get an ideal solution. According to my point of view, continuous as well as regular evaluation of the flow of information regarding the arrival of immigrants and their job application in various sectors might minimise the issues. In this context issues associated with work law breaching might have been minimised (Jayashree et al. 2019).
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