HI6028 Taxation Theory, Practice & Law Sample
December 29, 2021
7MK521 Market Analysis Sample
December 29, 2021Effective Business Communication
This report is based on the self-analysis and self-reflection of the communication skills that I possess. The assignment is in the format and structure of an essay which is based on the information which is obtained from different diagnostics tools that are illustrated in the task in a much-elaborated manner. There is a diagnosis and illustration of two main issues that I happen to have in my skills of communication that need focus for improvement (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015). The aspects of skills of communication which are needed to be emphasized encompass less self-perceived communication competence while having communication with Strangers. The issues in my skills of communication that were illustrated while conducting the analysis include low apprehension of communication in the intercultural context. There has been a high degree of reference made to the key concepts ¸theories and ideas in the literature review sections that are related to the skills of communication. Because of the process of self-analysis, I have gained valuable information and knowledge about varying activities that can be of great use for me in the future (Ballantyne, et al., 2015). This knowledge will be helpful for me in the scenarios where there will be similar issues cropping up while having communication. These types of activities that are associated with skills of communications are analyzed and reflected in the action plan of the essay that is represented after the literature review of the assignment.
To have an effective reflection of my skills of communication, there has been used of 5 different kinds of tools. These tools are called diagnostic tools for the evaluation of communication skills in various circumstances and scenarios of life. the first diagnostics tool that has been used by me for analyzing and evaluating my communication skills is the self-perceived communication competence scale(SPCC) (Bolsen & Shapiro, 2018). This diagnostic tool has helped me in determining my skills of communication in different scenarios. Right from the scale of the percentage of grading that starts with” 0”, the tool has assisted me in determining competence in this regard. The grade of “0” denotes the status of “completely incompetent” and the “100” refers to “competent” degrees. I have been able to assess and grade myself by the scenarios which are stated in the tools.
The assigning of grades to myself in accordance to the given scenarios like skills of communication, I have evaluated myself based on different scenarios such as my comfort level during having a talk with an acquaintance or having a conversation with a group of strangers. It was after undertaking the entire test; I noticed that I have the lowest score in the section of having or establishing communication with strangers. I had marked myself 76.25 out of 100 for this question (Corner, Shaw & Clarke, 2018). I also found that I have issues in a significant way while having or establishing communication while talking with a group of strangers. I had given 75 scores to myself gain the statement of having conversations in a large group or “meetings of strangers”.
The subscores that I obtained through percentages for the items were stated at the end of the diagnosis and the obtained sum was further made to be divided. I also found that in other categories of evaluation under the tool of self-perceived communication competence, I was obtaining higher grades. This denotes the fact that I have good and enhanced competence in my communication skills while talking to a large section of people belonging to different categories (Evans, et al., 2017). The categories for which I had to respond in terms of grading myself out of the included public, group, meeting, stranger, acquaintance, dyad, and friends. The scores that were obtained for the communication with the public in the diagnostics tool was 91.66, for the meeting was 88.33, for the group, it was 90. I had scored 80m for having communication with the dyad, 76.25 with strangers, 97.5 for acquaintance and 88.75 for friends.
The second diagnostics tool that was used for my self-evaluation was the Nonverbal immediacy scale self-report. This tool assists in determining the nonverbal immediacy which further refers to the behaviors or the cues that happen to provide a signal regarding the positive feelings or experience towards the varying platform. This tool is mostly used and was also preferred by me due to its popularity of being one of the most updated as well as one among the latest measures in this regard (Fan, et al., 2015). This tool has assisted me in having a report of self-evaluation of the skills of my communication in regards to ways in which I talk or communicate while having verbal communication. The nonverbal immediacy scale was used for the determination of all the non –verbal communications aspects that I project during having communication with a wide variety of individuals in different scenarios. I found it to be very important to the identification of the variance while conducting the self-conduction. This variance had to be identified between the males and females in the context of gender and society. The evaluation was carried out by taking the possible responses into consideration of the answers in numbers which denoted to different scales of agreement (Greenaway, et al., 2015). The numbers carried out different meanings such as f denoted for very often, 4 to often, 2 meant rarely, 3 meant for occasionally and 1 meant for never. After the conduction of all the evaluations on myself which I had done by answering all the questions, I happened to obtain a total score to be 94. Going through the scalability and regarding males and females, I found that my skills of communication in regards to non-verbal immediacy are optimal.
Thirdly, I had used intercultural communication apprehension which is otherwise known as PRICE as a diagnostic tool for evaluating my communication skills. This diagnostic tool could assist in evaluating my apprehension regarding communication in the context of intercultural aspects. The tool of intercultural communication apprehension further helped in gaining basic apprehension of the interactions of communication (Huynh, King & Katangur, 2018). In this tool, the grading or scoring criteria when stated to be 90, determined that the alphas reliability was thought to be very high. In the diagnostics tool, there were around 14 statements that were in the form of comments which are made by the individuals during making or establishing communication with different kinds of people who belonged to various cultures.
The responses were given to every question or statement were ranging from”1” to” 5”. In his case, various numbers had different connotations which meant differently. “1” meant to “strongly agree”, “2” meant for “disagree”, “3” for “disagree”, 4 for “agree”, and 5 meant for “strongly agree”. Responding to 14 numbers of questions, I had to make calculations of the total sum of scores that resulted in 18. This indicated a very low score in regard to intercultural communication apprehension. This referred to the fact that i am not very efficient while making conversations or establishing communication with people belonging to different groups and types of cultures. This aspect of my skills of communication is identified as one of the key issues that have to be developed and improved by me (Kaiser, Hampton & Roberts, 2016).
The tool that was used in the fourth rank to assess my communication skills is Talkaholic Scale. This scale has helped me in evaluating compulsive communications. This diagnostic tool has assisted in the identification of the qualitative reference of all the quantitative elaboration related to the extent of talkativeness that every person has in his life. The diagnostics tool of the talkaholic scale helped me recognize if I am a verbal person and have a high degree of difficulty I nm regards to keeping quiet in scenarios where there is the presence of different individuals (King, et al., 2015). Right through such assessment happened to identify the terms like “talkaholics”, “high talkers”, etc. The statements or questions that were counteracted during the assessments were based on the direction of the determination of the reactions when any individuals
are confronted with such kinds of scenarios. The answers that were to be given for such answers had to be in the form of numbers from 1 to 5. Every number identified a different response in regards to the degree of agreement. I had to reply to statements and the questions inform of numbers in which “1” meant to “strongly agree”, “2” meant for “disagree”, “3” for “disagree”, 4 for “ agree” and 5 meant for “ strongly agree” it all the score. The total scores that were obtained after completing the evaluation were 16. The score represented the fact that I happen to be a very less talkative person. It was also found that if I had scored 30 to 39 I could have been identified as borderline talkaholics. This would also have denoted to the fact that I would be able to regulate my talking in most of the scenarios. However, I could have found it to be difficult to maintain my silence when all I would need to do is keep quiet. However, obtaining 16 as a score in this diagnostic tool, I realize that I am very less talkative.
Tolerance for Disagreement is the final diagnostic tool that was used for assessing my communication skills. This diagnosis tool helped me in determining the degree to which I have my level of tolerance standards in the scenarios when they happen to be disagreeing with my beliefs. The concept which is found to be applicable in this regard was very much alike to argumentativeness. I was exposed to various statements that are associated with the feelings and orientations of the people (Kwiatkowski, 2017). The ways in which the assessments could be relied upon facilitated the integration of similar approaches of responses in regards to the agreement as it has been conducted in the tools that were used for the evaluation previously. I answered the statements in the form of numbers 1 to 5. I found that the statements that were asked in the diagnostic tool had more disagreements which appeared to be quite funny.
The score that I obtained in this evaluation is 47 which denoted the fact that I have a high tolerance for disagreement. I could understand from the entire assessment that I lack efficiency in self-perceived communication competence while having communication with Strangers and low apprehension of communication in the intercultural context. I remember the issues in my communication skills that I experienced during the group project activities during college studies and another during my study tour to a food manufacturing company. I could find that while working in a team of students who belonged to different cultural backgrounds. I faced the issue of not feeling comfortable interacting with all the group members that can be referred to as the issues that are identified as Strangers and low apprehension of communication in the intercultural context. When I was on a study tour in a biscuit manufacturing company, I realized that I was not comfortable talking to strangers who were accompanying me on the entire study tour. Both the scenarios happen to be resonating with the issues that I have in my skills of communication that are addressed in the assignment.
The issues that I have identified through the five diagnostic tools are illustrated in the essay. The concept of Five Ws has been devised and modernized and is currently referred to for the improvement of the skills of communication. According to this concept, all steps that have to be undertaken while establishing communication relate to getting the establishment of communication in the right way. The first thing that is to be understood would refer to all those things which are to be told in any given situation. According to this concept, it is recommended to associate the communication with every individual who is present in the scenario. It has been also understood that integrating openness in the communication style would relate to effective use of the opportunity where the establishment of communication can be conducted. In this step, there can be the identification of barriers and I can also overcome the challenges that are posed to me in such regards.
The second concept that is included in regards to the five Ws is when the information of the message is to be conveyed. According to this concept, there should be considering the time to make the communication in a very careful manner. According to the concept, the time of beginning communication with any individual belonging to different cultural backgrounds or with strangers has to be within a one-off kind of arrangement or in a setting of meeting. In the case where the communication encompasses a broad range of individuals where it is very feasible for the communication to take place. I also have to take a note of the place where the communication has to happen to avoid any kind of confusion.
I should have the awareness of the fact that there are various chances of spreading misunderstandings or rumors which may hurt the communication that I would intend to carry out with the setting of intercultural scenarios and in the scenario where strangers are involved. This will assist me while having to communicate with highly professional people while having my future career endeavors. In accordance with the concept of five Ws, the external and internal stakeholders are involved, I should be communicating with the integral staff first before I start having communication with the external parties. This will assist me in having safety in regards to avoiding any kind of misunderstandings and rumors regarding any party. The third aspect that has to be taken into consideration is what content has to be conveyed in the communication.
The communication needs to have clear messages that are associated with the problem or in terms of complex scenarios, in accordance with the concept it is very much advisable for structuring a shared understanding and meaning which can be formularized by letting the other parties ask different questions (Meuter, et al., 2015). In the content of having communication with strangers which is where I face issues in regards to establishing communication, I can always look for what I to be conveyed to them at the first instance. In regards to dealing with the issues that I find while having communication with the people belonging to different cultural backgrounds which I faced during my group activities, it is always beneficial to check back with the opposite parties by inculcating an iterative process. In both the cases of dealing with strangers and people of group members of different cultural backgrounds, I need to ask for clarification regarding what they feel like is left for them to understand and which would include the behaviors ¸ symbols and words spoken or used by me (Meng & Marble, 2007).
The fourth aspect that has to be considered while making a communication in such context and in accordance with the concept is the place wherein the message has to be conveyed. I could understand from the concept that their selection of a medium that is most effective is very important in order to make the convening of the message in an effective manner. This encompasses the fact that the communication of messages has to be done at the proper time and proper place. The concept also states that the message that has to be conveyed has to consider certain controls over the process of a communication (O’hagan, et al., 2014). This has to involve the most suitable person who would be fit for conducting the communication on the particular subject. The concept has assisted in determining the format which can be appropriate for my use in regards to my issues regarding being weak in establishing communication with strangers and people belonging to different cultures. This format includes the categorization of the entire communication in the sections of source, message, and channels. I can categories the entire communication plan with the strangers and people belonging various intercultural backgrounds into the sections such as attention that is given by both the parties, liking of both the parties to have the conversation, the degree of comprehension of the entire communication from both the parties, the extent to which both the parties happen to remember the key points of the communication along with the taken action (Sonntag, et al., 2016). The issues that I have regarding not feeling comfortable interacting with all the group members and low apprehension of communication in the intercultural context could be projected in the dimensions that are used in the frameworks of McGuire (Thomson, et al., 2015).
These concepts and theoretical frameworks can be very suitable for the resolution of issues that I face in my communication. The framework includes the proper utilization of the most appropriate language, behavior, and symbols that are frequently used. In regards to making a resolution, by using the proper language which is understood by both the parties, I can make the communication more effective (Hersey, Blanchard & Johnson, 2007). This would include the changes in the intonation, loudness, increased use of clarity, and colloquialisms. In regards to the behavioral frameworks, the use of different body language and another nonverbal body language can have implications on my perception along with the perceptions of others. The other symbols that can be used for having enhanced communication in the formal settings, in accordance with the frameworks, would include the use of symbols such as presentation, hand-outs, stage props, etc (Liu & Li, 2006).
With the intention and objective to develop my communication skills that have been centered to be the focus on the two issues such as low apprehension of communication in the intercultural context and lack of efficiency in the self-perceived communication competence while having communication with Stranger, I have to undertake course s in order to develop my communication (Halawah, 2005). These courses have to be of full-time nature which would assist me in concentrating on all the skills and techniques that are required to be used for developing communication. I will be undertaking the “Dale Carnegie course” that would assist me in developing my skills of communication along with resolving the issues that I have in the communication aspect (Chavarría-Miranda & Mellor-Crummey, 2005).
I shall avail myself of this short course in order to understand the skills that are required to have effective communication n in the experiment of human resource management in any kind of setting. By undergoing this course, I shall get the comprehension of the ways in which I can discover the ways to have more rewarding associations with the people belonging to different intercultural backgrounds as well as with others. I shall be able to gain mastery over the skills of communication that are required to enhance interpersonal relationships, develop an attitude that appeals to the opposite parties in the communication scenario (Dunne, 2005). I shall also undergo the “UNAVCO SCIENCE WORKSHOP-Communicating Science for impact Short Course” which would assist me in having better skills of communication through practice. I shall be able to have a different session of communication on a practical basis that shall assist me in having better improvements (Mitchell et al., 2006).
I shall be able to have a very flexible approach to learning which shall assist me in having increased focus on communication as a conversation. The benefits that I shall be getting by availing this course is that I shall be getting by availing this course can be applied and will be appropriate to be used in all kinds of channels or platforms of communication, right from a small interaction with a limited number of people to a large public lecture or address (Farquhar et al., 2005). I shall be including a very flexible plan for incorporating daily or regular reading habits which will assist me in acquiring conceptual knowledge regarding the ways to make effective communication (Tavčar et al., 2005). This would also include certain tasks from the self-help books that I shall practice daily. I will be keeping this schedule for a month and shall also be fixing an hour for every day for this activity.
By integrating another activity in this regard, such as maintaining a regular personal journal for self-development, I shall be able to have a proper record of the activities that I make or do for developing my communication skills and eradicate the issues that are cropping up while making communications in different kinds of settings and environment with different kinds of people (Epstein, Martin & Schneider, 2006). The personal journal also shall be containing all the information regarding the ways and the reasons due to which I make the communication with other individuals. I shall be covering all these activities within the time duration of 4 weeks. I shall also make regular assessments of self-progress on the weekend of every week to evaluate the extent or degree to which I have made progress in that particular week. This will assist me to do or conducting any additional session if it would be required. By having a consistent attitude towards the resolution of such issues, I shall be successful in my endeavors.
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